The Future

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Harrison POV

Well once Axel and I woke up, which was five days for me and six for Axel.  We heard about the shifters being rescued from the other bases.  We also heard that that the packs had set fire to every base.  Burning all building and equipment.  If building where made from brick they were demolished.  They moved quickly and efficiently.  Sending a very strong message to the people who thought they could use our kind.

They also found all camps empty, beside the captive people.  In the one research place they found sharks been kept and other animals.  We believe they thought they could create hybrids.  They were released into their proper environments.  The shifter we rescued once well were taken to their packs.

A number of calls have come in asking how we knew of their bases and why they found them empty.  Dad and Alpha Mikael have told them that we had sent a very scary message and they had abandoned them.  Even if they find out later what really happened.  I think Axel and I will be safe.

We'll be taking over the pack next year, as Dad and Mum want to have time to enjoy my new brother or sister.

"Aaron is with my parent's now come here and let me show you, how much I love you" Axel says walking into our suite already stripping out his clothes.

5 years later 

Axel POV

"Love have you seen Kelly's other shoe" I ask Harri

"Didn't she start pulling them off as we came back from the pack-house?" he replies

I open our door and sure enough the other shoe is outside.  I grab it and go back in and lean down to help our three year old, put her shoes on.  "Daddy, I can go bare foot" she tells me

"You could, but as we are going shopping for your brother's Birthday present.  You need shoes as people throw things on the floor that they shouldn't" I explain to her.

"If anyone tries to touch my face today, I'll bite them" she warns

Kelly is another gift we were given, her mother had been human and after a one night stand had gotten pregnant.  She knew that the man she had sex with was a shifter.  But he had moved on and she didn't know where he was.  So, she asked if we could adopt her.  So she could be around her own kind.

She still see's her mother but not as much as she did as she married last year and they moved across the country.

"Hey Dad, can I go to Gramps as we are making a go cart" Aaron asks

"Did Pops say is was alright?" I ask "yes, as long as you were alright, I can go" he replies.

"Okay I'll link your" a knock on the door stops me from saying more.  Then my Dad pops his head in.  "Hi, Son. Kelly, how are you doing today?" he asks 

"I'm going shopping and will bite anyone that tries to touch me" she replies.  "Well good for you.  Good luck finding your brother a present and I hope you can come to ours later as Grandma is making cookies" Dad tells her.

I groan as Kelly looks at me then my Dad, "Aaron you like cookies right?" she asks 

"You know I do" Aaron answers "great, bye Daddy. I'm going to make cookies with Grandma" she says jumping down from the sofa, toeing off her shoes and kissing my cheek.  Aaron is trying to hide his smile as he kisses me.

"Okay have fun with your Grandparents" I say smiling at my Dad "saved you some money and you've got some free time to be with your mate" he says winking at me.  "Thanks Dad, see you later" I say waving them off and then closing the door.

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