Pack Life

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Harrison POV

The pack welcomed us back and there have only been some older members that have wondered if two male mates can run a pack.

I believe after watching us interact and train with the pack.  They now see that we can run it and run it well.  We have moved into a suite in the pack house and enjoying our days working within the pack and coming together of a night time.

Pete apologised for his remarks, but Axel hasn't completely forgiven him yet.  He has told me that he will wait and see how his father is around us before forgiving him totally.  We won't be doing our residencies as we are learning how to run the pack.  We can help out in the medical centre if its needed.

Axel walks into our temporary office a little sweaty wiping his forehead with a towel.  "How is it going?" I ask 

"Fine we should be finished putting the roof on by tonight" he replies getting a glass of water and gulping it down.  Dad had started to build an extra pack-house for the teenagers as the pack has grown and the teenagers need a space to blow of steam and hang out with their friends.  Giving their parents a break.

Axel has been helping them, while I study the pack books and finances.

"Did you sort out the tax problem?" he answers

"There was no tax problem someone had entered the wrong figures into the wrong columns" I answer.

I smile as he leans down and kisses me "happy?" he asks "ass twitchingly so" I answer making him laugh.  "Hey don't you think we should tell your parents they are going to be parents again?" he asks

"I think we should let them find out themselves" I tell him kissing him again.

I stand up and we walk to the dinner hall.  We sit with our parents and talk about what we need to do over the next few days.  Desert today is coffee sponge and cream.  As Mum smells the coffee she puts her hand over her mouth and then bolts from the room.  

"That reminds me of when she was pregnant with you" Dad says then we watch as his eyes widen and he looks at the door Mum has just run through.  "Excuse me" he says standing.  Axel squeezes my hand and I smile.

"I don't think they want another kid at their age" Pete says.  I groan silently as Sally looks at him and he hangs his head.

"I'm going to go back to work" Axel says and I can feel his disappointment in his Dad.  

"Peter can I give you a little advise?" I ask and he nods looking back at Axel as he leaves the room. 

"Please just take a second to stop and think about what you are saying.  You've hurt your son greatly with your words and I can feel him moving further away from you" I warn him.  He nods his head looking truly sorry.  I stand up and smile at Sally patting Pete's back as I too leave the room.

"Axel your needed at the South boarder, I'm with your mother waiting to see the doctor" Dad links me.  

I run out the house and to the tree line stripping my clothes as I go.  I shift and run full out to the boarder.  "What's going on?" I ask through the link "We have a female that says she needs to see the wolf with glowing eyes" a warrior replies.

"I'm right behind you, Harri" I hear Axel say  I feel him about 20 meters behind me, when I skid to a stop beside our three warriors.  They part and I see a pregnant she-wolf, but she is very weak.  

I shift back and crouch down in front of her.  I let my wolf come forward and she grabs my hand "please you have to look after my child.  I will not live long, and I've seen that you and your mate will be able to teach him how to control his gift" she pants.

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