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I looked at Galaxy blankly. Did he put something in the pufferfish to make me feel better? No that doesn't make sense. He wouldn't keep the cure of the sickness hidden right?

"Why are you looking at me?" Galaxy asked me confused. He can't really tell that I was starting at him blankly because of my blindfold.

"Did you put anything in the pufferfish?" I asked him seriously. Time and everyone else was very confused.

"No? It's just a normal pufferfish?" He told me confused about what I was asking.

"Are you okay Sabre?" Time asked me concerned.

"Look, this is going to sound crazy, but I honestly feel better after eating that pufferfish." Alex gave me that look. I was about to say more on it, but Galaxy spoke before her.

"Just like I did when I got the sickness." All eyes were turned to Galaxy.

"Galaxy are you being serious?" Illusion asked just as skeptical as everyone else. Time helps me stand up and this time I didn't feel sick when I stood. So this isn't just me overthinking.

"Yeah, everytime I ate a pufferfish it helped me feel better for a few hours.'

"And you didn't think of telling us this when you had the sickness?!" Alex yelled at him angrily. Galaxy didn't seem bothered by her yelling though. He was probably used to it by now.

"I thought it was only me... but since Sabre feels the same way that must mean-"

"Pufferfish have something to do with the cure!" Lucas said excitedly, leaving me to think. What is the meat of the pufferfish itself or the poison. Probably more the poison because of how it felt.

"It's the poison of it, I'm sure of it." I tell them. Lucas understood, but no one else did. Lucas explained it for me.

"Sometimes to cure a sickness you need something more deadly than what you have to cure it. It balances out the one thing you have and weakens the other thing you used to cure it."

"That's how it felt for me. I ate the pufferfish and got the poison effects from it, but it didn't last nearly as long. Once the poison effect was gone I felt better." I said to help everyone else understand what Lucas said better.

"That makes sense kind of like how you use rattlesnake venom to cure a rattlesnake bite." Illusion said. Alex and Time were both confused since Rattlesnakes don't exist in this world.

"Yeah kind of, but there are other things used in the anti-venom... but that's not really important right now." I told Illusion who understood.

"Do you have more pufferfish?" Lucas asked.

"That's not even a question." Time and Illusion said ad Galaxy took out a lot more pufferfish.

"I can help get the venom out of the pufferfish with Galaxy. For now let's go back inside." Lucas says.

"I can help too." Alex says. Lucas was happy to get more help, I can tell. Galaxy goes inside with Lucas and Alex.

"Can you help me get Sabre upstairs?" Time told Illusion.

"You don't have to act like I'm not here you know." I say in a joking tone.

"Oh sorry." Time apologized to me.

"It was a joke. We really need to work on your humor Time." Illusion said as he also helped support me. They got me inside and I couldn't help, but feel good. We have a cure for the sickness and maybe we will be able to defeat Plague steve and finally give peace to the steves.

?????????'s point of view
"I'm glad that worked." I told Rainbow Steve who was looking down the lake with me. We could see Time helping Sabre sit up from the machine.

"Yeah! I can't believe they didn;t notice that he was in pain in the machine." Rainbow replied back.

"You were the only one who could see that." He did bring me over to help them out. I have this connection with my brother Time steve. Even after death it's still there.

"Thanks Elemental." Rainbow tells me. He really cares about Sabre. It's the reason why he is here in the first place. He gave his life to Sabre so he could live and continue to help the steves like he is doing now.

"The Guardian won't be mad will he?" I ask. I have never done this before and I never even knew you could look at the middle world from this lake. It's pretty cool and surprises me that we are the only ones here at the moment.

"He won't. He was asking me to watch Sabre while he was working. He said he needed to talk to him about something, but I'm not sure what."

"Oh okay. Wait can I see my brother from this too?" I asked curiously and touched the cold lake water.

"Yeah, you can see any person you want.. As long as it's in the spirit world..." Rainbow murmonly said.

"Who have you been trying to find?" I asked.

"My best friend before I lost all of my memories. I thought he would be here in the spirit world, but I haven't found him... and I can't find him in the middle world." I hugged him and he hugged back. It helped him relax and feel a little better. "I asked Light Steve about it, but he just gets really quiet about it." Light is Rainbow's brother. He lives in the spirit world.

"Maybe we can do and ask him?" I asked to brighten his spirit a little.

"He isn't here, he left with the Guardian."

"Oh... Then we can ask when they get back okay?"

"Yeah! Until then I have to tell you what Sabre and Time were doing last night." Rainbow said excitedly. That peaked my interest.

"What were they doing?" I asked.

"They were snuggling together."

"Aw... thats nice." Thinking about Time has always acted a little differently around Sabre when I remembered them together.

"It was really cute. I even think there might be something going on between them."

"Yeah you might be right." I looked back at the lake to see it looked like a normal lake now. I guess it doesn't last very long. "What are you going to do now?" I asked curiously.

"I'm going to say hi to Hypno steve and wait for the Guardian and Light Steve to come back." That seems nice. Usually I just wander around and talk to random steves I meet. It might be fun to be with Rainbow a bit longer. "Can I join you?" I ask Rainbow.

"Yeah! Just follow me." He starts walking away from the lake. I look back at the lake then follow him to see what might happen while talking to this Hypno Steve.
(Words 1139)

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