Picnic in the Park.

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"What a beautiful day!" Dave exclaimed.  "We have to make the best of it, what about a picnic in the park?"

"What a bright idea, I'll pack us a picnic basket."  Lyla beamed, opening the fridge door to take out a bottle of ice tea.

"Where is the park?"  I asked, not too sure if I will manage.

"Oh, it's only a block away, you will love it, and Dave offered to help you with the wheelchair, I'll keep Oscar on the lead.  Can you hold the basket on your lap?"

I laughed, "you had it all planned out."  She quickly fixed us some sandwiches and put them together with fruit in a basket.  Then she filled three drinking bottles with ice tea and add them to the basket.

"This is going to be fun,"  Dave said on the way, while he seemed at ease to push the wheelchair faster than I ever could accomplish with my best efforts.  Oscar waves his tail, he is so excited and sniffed at every bush and tree on the way. 

The park has lush green grass, neatly trimmed with lots of big trees and tables with benches on both sides.  We picked a table in the shade of a large totara tree and made ourselves at home.

"Hi, Dave!  Someone called.

"Hi, Richard," Dave answered and smiled at a red-haired boy with a freckled face, nearing us from the opposite side.  "What are you up to?"

"I met up with Joe and his mates, but they're off to practice cricket, so I'm on my way home."

"And you?"

"We decided to make the best of the sunshine and have a picnic."  The red-haired boy stared openly at me and I wondered what he was thinking.  I called Oscar and played with him, while Lyla unpacked the food.

When I looked up, he was staring again.  Dave offered to walk with him when he caught up with the staring.

"That was rude of him,"  Lyla said, pulling a face.  "I'm so sorry, Inola."

"It's okay, I'm kind of used to it, you know.  Are they close friends?"

"Not really, all that I know of him, is that he loves animals, he likes to play with Oscar."

"Then he can't be that bad, he might not be used to wheelchairs, as I said, I'm used to it and not going to allow him to spoil my day.  It's lovely here."

"It is," Dave answered when he joined us again, "and I'm so hungry.  Richard said he knows you from somewhere Inola, but he couldn't place the wheelchair."

"I certainly can't remember him."

"I showed him the pamphlet about Baxter and he was astonished.  He said, that is why he knew your face, he is reading the pamphlets every month.  He is looking for a puppy and he is going to check Baxter out."

"Wow!  If Baxter gets a caring house, I'll forgive him for staring,"  I laughed.  "This is nice Lyla, I like the sweet and sour cucumbers with the cold meat on the sandwiches."

"Hmm, she knows what I like, I'm glad you like it too."  The afternoon went too quickly and all too soon we have to pack up and return home.  I nearly wheeled into Theo when we entered the house.

"Hi Inola," his smile came so easy, and then his eyes met mine.  I couldn't keep it up and looked away.  The next moment his hand was on my shoulder.

"Wait!  I'm so sorry, I would like to explain."

"I can make you a website, but you have to be in my company for at least two days to set it up.  Let me know if you are interested."  The words tumbled from my mouth, I must have practiced it a thousand times.

"Okay, I'll let you know.  Enjoy your afternoon."  He left without even looking back.

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