Rewrite the stars ~Episode 1

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{A/N- Chishiya x reader Mini-series
Plot: After a game Chishiya feels a magnetic energy pulling him towards the reader. He becames determined to change his destiny that once made him believe he wasn't ment to find love}

With a steady sigh Chishiya made his way to the large apartment type complex. The games were boring to him, nothing interested ever happened.
The moment he walked in to grab a phone the people already there begain whispering amongs themselves.

People recognized thoes tall black ears anywhere as he hung his head lower. A cocky grin formed on his face, not that anyone could see, as he leaned on a wall to listen to all the murmers about him. He was known to win every game and disappeared into the shadows at anytime. Noone ever saw his face and thats how he liked it. In a world like this you can only relay on self awarness which he had all to much of.

"I heard her ears are real and she can hear games from a mile away"

"I heard she set a whole building on fire just to win a game"

Chishiya didnt know which was more irritating. The fact that people thought he was a female or the fact people asumed the fire was his fault. Both was bullshit really, the destruction of the building from the last game had nothing to do with him. However he did enjoy people being afraid of him. He kept his hands in his pockets waiting for more participants.
You walked faster following the direction of the white lights. You came to a building that already held about 11 people. Grabbing a phone you noticed from the corner of your eyes the tall black ears that belong to someone. You heard stories about them surely but you never thought you'd see them up close. You wondered if there ears were real or just apart of the hoodie before the voice of the phones caught your attention.




Your phone flashed a picture of your assigned door for you to hide. You found a small space to crawl in behind the white door. You could see several footsteps and the sound of horrid screams but the seeker never found you. You sat in thick silence for about an extra two minutes before you heard the phones go off.



You crawled out of your hiding spot and gasped for a much needed breath. You were so focused on not being heard you didnt realized you almost wasnt breathing for majority of the game. You walked and opened your door the same time as a purple door across from you opened. It was that person in the cat hoodie from earlier. You hummed to yourself not surprised of course since you heard the cleared a ton of games before. You walked past them to proceed to exsit the building completely unaware of the magnitude you left behind.

Chishiya's grip on the new playing card in his pocket loosened the moment you walked past him. His eyes lazily glanced in your direction watching your figure getting smaller which somehow increased an eruge for him to follow you. Curiously he turned to walk after you at a steady pace, quick enough to still see you but far enough that you didnt notice.  Usually he didnt care to follow people but the moment you walked past he felt an energy he's never experienced in his life. It was like you released his cold heart beat in a new rhythm that overtook him.

He bit his lip  watching you enter a empty store like building. He didn't want to worry Kuina by not returning back to the beach, but if he left he might not find you again. His left ear flickered as he walked and gripped the handle of the door, hed just let Kuina slap him again later. The building had a nice blue tint to it as the moonlight shined through the windows. His attention turned to the sounds of shuffling, the moment he saw your footsteps appearing he ducked behind one of the  store displays. He peaked to see you reaching for a knife on one of the shelfs, probably for protection since supplies was scare.

Luckily for him the display was round, so as you glided across the shelfs he effortlessly went around the other side of the display. The closer you got the more he felt the warm radiation from your body. He cringed at the thought of actually wanting touch someone he didnt even know. He felt like a stalker much to his annoyance, his ear flicked again as he stood up from the display in attempt to just walk away from all of this. He didnt realize his tail unrapped itself from his waist so the moment he turned around he heard a thump and a  behind him.

He should of kept going but instead of listening to his sixth sense he turned around to see you on the ground rubbing your back with the knife  across the floor. You frurried a brow looking at the black rope that triped you, and tugged on it. You jumped when you heard a thump locking eyes met with the person suddenly next to you. His hoodie was off showcasing his tall black ears on top of his blonde white hair. Chishiya leaned up and gripped his tail with his hands only a few inches from touching yours.

Chishiya:" Get the fuck off"

You immediately let go of his tail watching it curl back around his waist to resemble a belt. He swiftly got on his feet, threw his hood back on, and walked away from you. Watching him walk a few inches before jumping to your feet to follow him.

You:" Hey wait"

You walked a little behind him studying his features, he wasnt holding his head down anymore exposing the side of his face. He put a hand on the door but he couldnt bring himself to push it open yet. He wasnt ready to leave still feeling the relaxing energy that brought him here.

You:" Im sorry...about your tail"

There was silence for while until he turned his emotionaless face to meet yours.

Chishiya:" If you tell anyone that you saw me-"

You:" I wont but is your tail okay?"

Chishiya:" It's fine"

He turned back around attempting to push the door open again. He hated the fact that he had to go back to the beach. You being more concerned with his tail then his identity made him more interested to stickaround you. The chances of him running into you again was to low and he knew it. Tired of the silence you turned around about to wonder back to shopping before his voice threw you off

Chishiya:" Matter fact Im taking you with me"

You snapped your head around to see him walking towards you causing you to panic.

You:" Wait a minute taking me where I dont even know you!"

You squirmed around as he pulled you into his chest embracing you in a rather awkward hug. He lowered his mouth to your ear, his breath leaving a shiver down your spine

Chishiya:" Shhhhh"

You couldn't notice how fast his heart was going. Before you could question anything else you felt suddenly sleepy and everything around you went black.
{A/N- Chishiya with cat ears is just adorable to me. This is probably  going to have only 2-3 episodes. I just saw this in my head and wanted to share it. If anyone has a request for something after this feel free to tell me❤
I dont mind if anyone saves the wallpaper I made at the top just dont take my name off of it TY 🤗

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