Lost and found {Niragi x Reader}

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Request by Alexa_ecoy11

{A/N~ This is like a continuation of 《The opposites》Reminder the world is kind of normal but your all still at the beach's hotel
Hope you Enjoy <3}

Summary- Niragi's dog hears a familar sound from your hotel room, leaving Niragi in need to search for him
It's been officially two weeks since you shared that moment with Niragi and his dog, offically two weeks of you no longer seeing him the same way. Yeah he was still psychotic, he still ended the lives of those who didnt follow beach regulations. That was his job of course, but even with such occupation he managed to show the slightly bit of attentiveness to his dog and even towards you for that moment. And that moment you just cant shake from your mind.

Your  interactions with Niragi lately have been more than interesting to say the least. Whenever your in the hall and the militants walk past in that formal line your eyes immediately falls on the same person every time. Both of you made it your usual to lock eyes whenever he passes, whenever he emerges from ending someone life he'll pay those glances to you magically knowing exactly where your standing in a room every single time. Sometimes his eyes translate to "sorry you had to see that" other times it translates to "I really didnt give a fuck."
Either way it left you smiling to yourself, slowly accepting the fact your slowly becoming just as crazy as him from this telepathic interaction.

It also became your usual to visit his room occasionally to check on his dog while he's busy. You pop in to feed him, or sit with him for a few minutes watching sesame street before closing the door on your way out. Whenever Niragi return to his room he could always tell if you was there, you had a certain way of tucking his dog in when he took naps. Yet he still never verbally interacted with you until one unexpected day.

You were currently pacing back and fourth in your room tracking a package on your phone. You ordered Niragi's dog a singing elmo for his enjoyment to give Niragi a possible break from sitting through every episode. When said package arrived you hurried outside to pick it up and return it to your room. You grabed a pack of batteries and sat on the floor unboxing the doll.
(What it looked like👇)

 (What it looked like👇)

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You fixed the batteries as intructed while trying to figure out how to turn it on. Your thumb pressed the heart in the middle of his chest and the doll started dancing and singing louder then you actually expected. You left the thing on the floor while you picked up the box it came in and walked to the incinerator down the hall.

Niragi approached his door with his dog shortly after but as soon as he put his hands on the noob his dog took off to the sound that was coming from your room. By the time Niragi turned around he froze for a minute at the now empty space behind him before sighing in annoyance knowing he'd have to go searching.

He traveled up and down the hallways on the fourth floor, the third floor, in the lobby, in the kitchen, in the garden and still nothing. It's not like he could ask anyone at half past ten everyone at the beach was to busy partying and drinking to even notice a fly. The other fraction of people wouldnt believe him for owning a dog, let alone one that was still alive in his care. Niragi took this as a sign to go bother you since noone would be paying attention, figuring his rat of a dog would come back if it got hungry anyways.

It wasnt until he got on the second floor he heard something singing and a giggle that sounded all to familiar.  Your door was open enough to show you sitting criss crossed on the floor watching the dog wag his tail at the dancing elmo and barking when it danced away from him. You laughed a little as you turned the toy around for the 5th time so it can dance in his direction. Niragi leaned in your doorway with his signature riffle barly visible on his shoulders glaring at both of you while poking his cheek with his tounge.

Niragi " Of course why didnt I just come here first"

You smiled at him knowingly, watching him close your door and setting his riffle in the cornor. He sat on the floor across from you petting his dog that finally noticed that he exsisted.

You "He likes me better then you"

He scoffed resting one of his elbows on your bed

Niragi " At this point just keep him"

You dramatically gasped while turning the toy back towards the dog

You" Don't say that he has feelings and Im sure he loves you"

Niragi tilted his head down slightly smirking while crossing his arms over his chest defensively

Niragi" Well if you really haven't put it together yet princess, the little shit just left me for a toy. I still wanna know how he heard that thing from the 5th floor"

You snickerd while shuffling closer to him crossing your arms over your chest to mimic his actions

You" Doggis have great hearing and  I think you should be glad he heard it. I got it to keep him busy for you, you know so you dont have to sit through ever episode of sesame street complaining"

Niragi " And I'm guessing you want something for that"

He cocked his head to the side while you scoffed and stood up

You" Cant a person do something for someone withought wanting something in return?"

Niragi" But how common is that huh? Almost everyone at the beach know its all about the give and take sweetheart"

You" Well I'm not everyone am I"

You made your way to the kitchen and pulled out a medium sized steak placing it on a plate for the dog to nibble on. You set the plate on the floor while grabbing your phone off the bed to sit back down next to Niragi, until he pulled you to sit in between his legs. The only sound audible in the room was the occasional barks, the singing elmo, your phone whenever you died at temple run which of course followed by a slick commet from Niragi.

The more time spent together the more natural interaction came to the both of you. You still shared your usual eye contacts around the clock when he was working but some days you accompany him when he went out to walk his dog on the days he was off. You accompanied him in the evening when he gaves his dog baths and even went as far as letting you name the dog Alex since Niragi never had a set name for him. 

In Niragi's mind he didnt do anything special to deserve you but he liked the fact that he had someone to talk to or someone who didnt see him as someone to be afraid of. It was like he had twice the company, he mentally thanked whoever put Alex in that lost and found box one day so that he could find him. Alex bringing you to him made it even more worth it.
{A/N- Sorry this took so long and sorry if this is bad I need to brush back up on my writing lol. Requests are always open , thats all for now <3"

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