The horror of zarathustra

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Ty stands in the room while his team stands around him.

Makoto:...your kidding?....we wait?

Vortex: don't you want to get their attention right now?!

Minako:...then what are we doing here?..

Ty looks up at them with the same dull expression.

Ty: you really don't want to know more about me?.....

Makoto: I'm certain we know a lot about you so far...

Horoth: how wrong you are...

Minako:.....has ty ever gone at his full power YET?

Ty: no I haven't..

Vortex: you should train and test it out.

Ty: that is an idiotic idea.

Makoto: what? Why?!

Ty: think about it for a moment. The other xenogods are already extremely suspicious of me..imagine if you where them.. and you felt my entire energy.

Makoto: only problem is we don't know how much that is.

Ty then stands up and faces his friends. His dull expression seemed to gain some sort of seriousness tout as he stood tall

Ty:....there's something about infinite beings you probably don't know about.......infinite beings and xenogods have an ability That non-infinite beings like yourselves don't have......we have a peak state

Ash: peak state?


Makoto jumps as ruby says that.

Makoto:...oh shit sorry I forgot you where here...


Ty: peak state is in all basic manners our ACTUAL full power.

Makoto shook in place and slowly looked at ty. Some weird feeling shudders across his spine.

Makoto:....ty-..........what is your.......a-...actual full power.........





Ty:.....9 infinity.....

Ty stares at him with his bright golden eyes. Ty's pale white pupil burns into makoto's soul.


Makoto holds his head

Makoto:......................I don't want-.......I don't want to think about that.......

Minako:........this apples to all infinite beings?

Ty: yes......however for you to figure peak state simply multiply the infinite power by itself to get the true power...

Everyone is to busy staring at the ground..

Ty stares at them....then gains a sad look..

They where scared.

Ty:....I'm sorry.....I probably should not have told you was information TAHT you didn't need...

Vortex:... so that means that if those other xenogods went full power....they-

Ty: yes vortex....they would still fall short...

Everyone stares at ty in horror. more thing....

Vortex:? the only xenogod susceptible to partial snaps...

Makoto:...partial snaps?

Horoth: brief fits of absolute unstoppable fury. In this case ty would not be able to control himself when in this state. These outbursts of anger can last ten seconds all the way up to ten full minutes.

Makoto:......we haven't seen ty angry yet either?.... you want to see that?... way in hell......

Horoth: ty has been victim to many of these already...however..


Horoth:...ty has never fully...snapped before..

Makoto is pacing around.

Minako:....Makoto....vortex .....ash.....ty may we talk in private...?

Ty:....I may

Ruby:.....ty I wanted to ask you some....personal questions....


Makot, ash, vortex, and Makoto where in a large cavernous room separate from the main hall that they where just in

Minako:...we have to bail..


Minako:.....I-...I don't want to either but....he's to dangerous...

Vortex: ......

Everyone was silent...they all knew she was right... ty was now a threat to every living thing around him....

Vortex:.....but he believes in us...

Makoto:...yeah he does...

Minako: except I don't want to die, during one of his "angry fits"

Makoto: Minako your never like scared of him are you..

Minako: Makoto when I see a powerful being I know....what they are capable of.........I have no idea what ty is capable of doing....

Ash: neither do any of us...we are all scared... SO IS TY!!!! And we can't just leave him here to be scared and suffer for eternity

Minako: I-

Suddenly ty and ruby walk back in.

Ruby wipes away some tears before hugging vortex.

Vortex:?!? Ruby what's-

Ruby:.......listen......we need to free ty....

Ty stares at them with the same blank stare..

Minako looks at ty, and ty looks back at her..

Ty:.....are you still in?....

Minako:?!??! H- he heard me?...

Ty: you forget that I exist everywhere at you in?......

Minako stares down before finally looking up and nodding confidently

Horoth: master, it appears that there is a disturbance in multiverse  112836493836383849, in universe 72283638....

Ty looks back over to his team...a hopeful glint appears in his eyes

Zarathustra:....let's get going ..

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