Chapter 2

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I turned around and the british man had beautiful green eyes, dark brown hair, and he was extremely tall. He looked very attractive but he also looked like he could break your heart in a heartbeat.

"Can I help you with something?" I said with attitude

"Someone's not in a good mood"

I rolled my eyes and I turned around so my back was towards him and continued serving fruit for Nora. He stood next to me and looked at me with confusion. I didn't make any eye contact.

"I'm Henry by the way and you are?" the British man said while smiling

I looked at him and damn this man could not get off my back

"A person"

"No, I know you are but I meant you know your name,"

I looked away and I continued serving Nora's fruit and whispered, "You definitely can't take a hint can you"

"What was that?" Henry asked

I looked at Henry and I fake smiled at him, "Nothing grandpa, I'm Jasmine,"

I looked away from him and immediately let my fake smile disappear.

"Jasmine" he nodded, "what a lovely name"

I stayed quiet because I didn't want to say anything to him anymore. I stopped serving fruit and got Nora her bagel.

"Will I see you later, darling?" Henry asked

"I don't know we'll see and don't call me darling," I said with attitude

"Mhm I'll stop bothering you now darling, see you later", Henry said while smiling, then he walked away.

Nora ran up to me with two coffee cups and said excitedly, "Oh my god"

"What?" I asked

"That attractive guy was talking to you" Nora said while smiling

"Oh my god and plus he's british " I playfully pretended to be excited and fake smiled

Nora laughed, "That was the fakest shit I've ever seen and-" Nora stopped talking and looked at me for a second, she was trying to study my facial expressions and I tried to hide it as much as possible or else she would freak, " pushed him away didn't you"

"So what maybe I did"

"Come on Jasmine it's been four years you know, Joey would have wanted you to be happy,"

In some moments I forget that he's gone and I feel like he's here but I know he's not...I think it's just so painful to talk about him out loud, it's make me emotional.

"A handsome british man shows you attention, and you turn him down"

"I mean could you turn him down?" Nora asked

"How could you could tell?" I asked

"I saw when you guys were talking and I heard him" Nora winked

"Yea and? so what he was trying to asking me out,  I mean men my age..." I pointed at my head, "Plus something is not right up there and I could never do that to him"

Nora knew who "him" was and I hoped she would semi understand why but I'm just not over him yet. He left me so suddenly and I still feel broken... I mean I've accepted that fact that he's gone but I just can't get over him yet...

"Oh come on your both actors and are going to be in the same project, I mean come on it doesn't seem like a coincidence" Nora said convincingly

"You know it's been hard ever since Joey"

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