Chapter 10

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Nora's Pov

I unlocked the door then as soon as I stepped inside the apartment. I saw Henry sitting on the couch

What the- I- ....

she'll explain later, right?

Jasmine was standing up in front of me then I looked at both of them confusingly.

She smiled at me then walked up to me and hugged me? What? Since when does Jasmine Jones want a hug... she's not the cuddly type so I knew something was up.

"You saved me thank you" she whispered

"What's he doing here?" I whispered back

"I'll explain later", she whispered as she pulled away from the hug

"I'll help you with the groceries" she said as she walked outside to grab the bags of groceries

Jasmine grabbed the groceries and she put them on the island in the kitchen.

"Henry" I said while smiling then I nodded at him

Henry nodded back at me, "Nora"

I walked outside to get the rest of the groceries and put them in the kitchen.

"I'll put them away the groceries and make lunch so you be a good host and be with your guest" I said as I slightly pushing me out of the kitchen p

"Fine" she said while longing n

Jasmine walked over to Henry standing in front of him while he's still sitting on the couch. He looked up at her slowly and they stared at each other for a while... aww there having a moment that's so cute

She closed her eyes then she shook her head

"Come on" she said as she walked over to her room

They both walked into her room and they left the door a little open. While I was in the kitchen I heard everything. I was surprised that she kind of told Henry about Joey and Vegas... That wasn't even half of what Jasmine has gone through.

When I heard Jasmine talk about Joey I knew she was going to say something she was going to regret.

I quickly and quietly walked over to Jasmine's bedroom door then I swung the door open, "Hey guys I made lunch if you guys want some"

"Thanks Nora I'll be out there in a sec" Jasmine said while smiling at me

Henry nodded and I walked out of my room leaving Jasmine's bedroom door a little open.

Jasmine's Pov

Henry, Nora, and I had an awkward lunch and we didn't really talk much but after we were all done eating. Henry said he had to go and I obviously didn't stop him from leaving. When he said bye to me I waved at him with no emotion and he left. He tried calling me after and I have no idea how the fuck he got my number but I never answered. I knew he'd try to get to know more about me and I thought that it would be fine since the last time we talked I told him shit I wouldn't have brought up to someone I just met a couple of weeks ago.

A day after the whole Henry coming over thing...

I got an email from Anne saying that we're going to meet at a studio at 11:00 am on February 5th.

~One week later~

February 5, 2017

Jasmine's Pov

I didn't wake up annoyed today. I was actually in a decent mood this morning but Anne sent us a follow-up email about bringing workout clothes but coming in normal attire and I don't have so-called "workout" clothes. When I work out, I usually wore a t-shirt and leggings and called it a day.

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