Pt 2

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Ch 3
Fruitlessly Hoping For A Little Love

The 10 minutes seemed to have passed fairly quick for the diner was just a few steps away. I walk up to the door and enter, the lights momentarily pained my eyes, but they adjusted eventually. I took a seat at a empty booth towards the back, a waitress came up to me and took my order. A usual of mine a coffee paired with 3 over easy eggs and a side of bacon. I look out at the bleak world surrounding the simple diner. I hate the snow. It makes me feel even more lonelier then usual, like a chained up dog, never to be played with, fruitlessly hoping for a little love. Only to be let down again and again. It's agonizing this snow is. The sound of a glass plate greeting the table steals my attention. Finally my food is here. I hurriedly bring the cup to my lips, breathing in the warm aroma. God I love coffee it vaguely reminds me of you, our midnight trips to that little diner all the way across town. Where I would get my usual and you were always in the mood for a slice of key lime pie. I miss the way your eyes used to light up when the waitress would set the plate down in front of you, you had an glowing appreciation for the simple things in this cruel undesirable life and I loved you for that. But, tonight I sit alone, bathing in this fever dream of what once was.

Ch 4
I've Learned To Live No Longer Longing

The plate finally clean and my insides warmed, I continue to sit in the cold booth unwilling to move, staring out into the snowy abyss. My thoughts are interrupted when the waitress comes to collect my bill, when I hand her my card and her tip, she gives me a befuddled look. Almost as if she should dare break the silence with whatever is plaguing her mind. I speak first and ask her if there was something she needed and she replied with "I don't mean anything wrong by this, but I noticed that your eyes look so...cold." I merely chuckled and answered with "I suppose they are a little cold now and days" and made my way back into the Iceland outside that awaited me. I guess I can no longer hide the emotion that lacks in my being, my eyes didn't use to have these imperturbable stained glass panes, but here we are. My order for rose tinted glasses is long overdue now and I've learned to live no longer longing for the vibrant hues you seemed to see, but I've found a sense of tranquility and safety in greys that envelope my life.

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