Cerulean sky

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Prompts: Cerulean, Boat, Lake


A low melodic hum mixed peacefully with a sound of waves and various bird and bug noises. A melody without anything behind it, just some wild notes one after another not put into anything harmonic or logical.

Hitoshi liked lakes, she could just hide in bulrush and hum or sing without anyone disturbing her for hours.

Izuku, somehow, made her like lakes even more.

The greenette rented a boat and insisted on paddling, going as far as the middle of the water containment. Hitoshi splayed herself at the bottom of the boat and looked up at the sky. Perfect cerulean blue, not covered by a single cloud. Beautiful in simplicity.

The water noises seemed so much closer despite there being a little difference between listening to them from the bank and from the boat.

The slight swaying made Hitoshi feels content and sleepy, something she hasn't felt for months.

Leave it to Izuku to make things perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Hitoshi felt so at peace that she just... wanted all her worries, which were currently somewhere at the back of her mind, to disappear. Leaving them behind felt like something easy and manageable as the sun warmed her face and made her all tingly with sleepiness.

"Hey, Zuku," she began, wincing at her low voice. It was even more raspy than usual, from not talking for a while. Ah damn it. Izuku hummed questioningly so she continued. "I'm a girl." There was a minute of silence, that for some reason didn't cause instant panic in Hitoshi's heart. Maybe she was too sleepy to care. Or maybe she hasn't said that out loud. Who knew, it happened to her sometimes. "Your comment?" She halfway expected Izuku to question 'Comment on what?' but instead was met with a hum.

"Well... I don't really know what to do with this information. Are you out to anyone else or do I keep this secret from everyone? Can I use your preferred pronouns or keep up a facade? Of course, I'm not gonna dump you because of something like that, I like you not your gender identity and you know I'm bisexual so you should have known it wouldn't be an issue..." he muttered, slurring some words a little.

"Cool," Hitoshi interrupted before he could go on. "I just wanted you to know. No one else does. Besides Aizawa-sensei."

"Mmm understandable. Thanks for telling me."

"Thanks for not rejecting me." Hitoshi cracked an eye open and saw Izuku smiling at her brightly on the background of the cerulean sky.

They would be alright.

HitoIzu Summer Contest 2020Where stories live. Discover now