Watermelon Lemonade

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Prompts: Lemonade, Watermelon


The machine appeared in the dorms overnight.

No one claimed it as their buy or possession so they all agreed to use it as a shared good.

That was a good decision considering it was a lemonade machine and the summer was coming.

Various citruses and fruit got used, some variations better, some almost undrinkable, but the students cared mostly about the soothing cool and hydration after training so the mistakes were often repeated, everyone's tastebuds be damned.

"Gah, I'm dyiiiiiiing~!" Denki splayed himself on the countertop, moping loudly, annoying about everyone in the hearing range. "Aizawa-sensei could have made our training a little less exhausting considering the temperature!"

"Then Perish," Hitoshi cut in, giving him a bored look. A few giggles and 'hewwo's were heard in the distance but it ignored them, somehow not causing its eyeballs to roll out of its eye sockets, in favour of giving the Pikachu an even dirtier look and spitting venom at him. "If you think this is hard think about one on one practice with Eraserhead every day after school for a few hours a day in similar if not worse heat. If I survived so can you, stop whining and help me cook." They were stuck on dinner duty that day to mutual chagrin.

"But it's so hoooooot..." moaned the blonde sadly. "I can't move."

"I can." Izuku appeared behind him suddenly, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and throwing him in the seating area. He bounced on the sofa with a yelp, thankfully no injuries. "Hey Toshi, need some help?"

"Ah, Izuku, the love of my life, the light of the day, yes please save me from this idiocy," it intoned monotonously.

"Betrayal!" Denki yelled, with the saddest most heartwrenching voice he could manage. He was bad at it.

Izuku huffed a laugh and bent over the counter to give Hitoshi a peck on its cheek. God, Hitoshi was so far gone...

"Why does he get help and attention and all I get is rough treatment!?" Denki wailed once again and Hitoshi had to suppress a groan. It was technically out to the class and most of them understood and respected its choice of pronouns even if some expressed worries that it seemed a lot like self-degrading. But some of them still slipped up.

"I'm not a he." A wave of horror flashed through Denki's face and he tried to apologize, just as some people in the background hissed realizing his mistake, but Hitoshi continued "I'm agender, I use no pronouns, please don't refer to me. Ever." in the most deadpan tone it could manage. It cracked up a little at the end though, which in turn startled a laugh out of both its best friend and its boyfriend, the rest of people sitting in the common room following with fits of giggling.

"Ah jeez, and people say you don't have a sense of humour," blonde wheezed, rolling from the sofa to the floor.

Hitoshi smiled and went back to chopping vegetables for a curry. In its peripheral, it could see Izuku washing his hands and grabbing an apron, no doubt to help it. Well, seems like Denki got out of his cooking duty once again, lucky bastard.

Soon all of the ingredients were prepped up and simmering in the pot. Now all that was left was stirring it from time to time and eventually adding some spices if what was added previously wasn't enough.

Hitoshi breathed a sigh, it really was hot, and standing near-boiling veggies didn't help at all.

A lightbulb popped up in its head. Lemonade.

It reached for the fridge door but Izuku seemed to have the same idea and reached it faster. He looked behind him and after confirming that Hitoshi stood there he threw ingredients at him.

Catching the first net of lemons was easy, the second a little trickier—oh so they were doing it for the whole class—the third one almost landed on the floor, but Hitoshi managed to get it and set the nets on the counter right before Izuku threw a fucking watermelon on him. It almost slipped from its hands but Hitoshi held on dearly until the fruit stopped trying to get out of them.

"You're a little hyper today, aren't you Izuku?" it asked, raising an eyebrow. Izuku deflated a little.

"Ah, yeah, it's... it's just that kind of day," he murmured sheepishly.

Hitoshi just nodded, moving to cut the watermelon. Izuku half-smiled at him, glad to not be forced to talk about things like that. He'd go get diagnosed someday, later, at some point, when he finally got the courage to tell his mom his suspicions.

"Hey guys, can y'all add some berries?" Denki asked the moment he realized what they were doing.

"Absolutely fucking not you Pikachu rip-off," Bakugō growled out letting a series of explosions. "You already tried this mix, it's horrible. It has more common sense than you so it will surely not fucking add any stupid shit in." Aggressive support, how nice.

Hitoshi nudged Izuku who stared off into space muttering something about natural batteries and they both got to work smiling like happy idiots they were.

Having a supportive datemate and class is great, though Izuku squeezing lemon juice on the machine.

Having a supportive boyfriend and class is great, thought Hitoshi cutting the watermelon in cubes.

They had each other, they had a supportive friend group. Life was great.

One might even say, it was as great as lemonade on a hot day.

HitoIzu Summer Contest 2020Where stories live. Discover now