Can We Learn To Love Again

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2 months later.....

Finally ! After two freaking months, I can go back to the museum ! This past two months many things had happen.

First, Larry sold his company and donate to the museum, anonymously ,in one condition "Everything stays the same"

Second, He choose to back working as a night guard !

Third, The museum is currently under renovation

Fourth, Ahkmenrah trying to get me back but I told him that I need some time apart

And finally now I'm going to get ready to visit the museum. Guess what, they are opening until night ! Yes ! They are extending the opening hours. So the visitors will think that all the exhibits are actors, actress and animatorics.

Unlike the weekdays, today or every other Saturday later, they start open after the sunset and close at 11 pm.
I snatch my bag when my phone ring. "Hello ?" I answer. "Eliz, can you come here like" Larry pause "now ?".

I laugh "Yeah sure, actually I'm already stopping a taxi, as we speak" I push my phone away and say to the driver "Natural Museum History, please". I ask Larry "What do you need me for and why do you sound so urgent ?"

"Err well" he start "we are kinda really really pack right now, so I need extra guard, you know incase someone got lost". I chuckle "Okay, I got it I got it" I hung up just as the taxi pull over infront of the museum. I give him the money and say thank you as I step out.

"Wow" I mumble as I see like hundreds of people outside the door.
I walk to the storage door and go straight to Larry's office. "Hey" I put my bag and hug him, startling him. I lean on the table and put my hand on my hips "You don't expect me to wear the uniform, do you ?". He open the locker and snatch a set of uniform, with skirt.

I glare at him "No can do". He sigh "Fine, just wear this tag and strap this flashlight, will ya ?" he hand me a tag and a flashlight. I clip the tag on my jacket and starp the flashlight on my belt. We are ready just as the sun set. "I'm going to check on the dioramas"

I walk out and go to the dioramas room. I spot Jed and Oct climbing down the rope. "Hey you two" I crouch down and grin to them.

"Warrior Girl !" Jed called out "Whats with the fancy getup, girl ?". "Only for today" I say "Ok you two, could you gather your citizen now?" they nod and start calling their people.

I sit down and cross my leg once they are all gather around. Anyway, the mayans are locked as they are really really hard to manage. The Romans are in a good straight formation and the West people are scattered around.

"Okay, guys you know that tonight is important right ? I ask and they answer in a few yes and nod.

"So I want all of you to behave" I say with a hunt of seriousness "That means no explosions, no catapults, no gun firing, no sword clashing, no cursing in bad words, no name calling, and the last but not the least be polite to the visitors and don't scare away the children" and I'm quiet suprise as they all stay silent.

I sigh "Jed, Oct watch your people and you two behave" I get up and walk out.

I walk down to the front desk and see Nicky talking to Teddy "Hey" I wave "Ready ?" they both nod and Teddy climb up to Texas and Nick sit behind the desk. I flop down the chair and take the mic "Ok guys ready ?" And a hear a few yes and cheering. I nod to the guards to open the door. And many people walk in.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Natural History Museum, where history come to life" I pause "Tonight you will be greeted by amazing animatorics and many more. As you can see once you come in, you will see the Tyrenosaurus and our 26th president of United State, Theodore Roosevelt" I grin to him and he salute back. I speak again to the mic "I suggest to visit the dioramas and Temple of Pharaoh Ahkmenrah, thank you"

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