The Last Night

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I walked up to the front desk of Daley Devices ready with all excuses I need to meet him. "Hi" I pause as the woman look up "I'm Eliza Narta, and I need to meet Mr.Daley please". She look through a bunch of paper until "So ms, what company are you from and you need to have an appoinment first ms".

I smile and shake my head lightly "Oh no, I'm not from any company, I'm his friends more like a family actually" I try to smile my way out. Sarcasticly I think, she hand me a paper and a pen "You could write a note ms". I manage to force a half smile and half glare. I take the pen and write two words on the paper 'Museum Tonight' I fold it and give it back.

"From whom I must say ms ?" She ask. I think for a while and decide to use the only name he knows "Just say that its from Princess of Las Vegas" I smirk and decide to wait outside.

~•~•~• 1 hour later ~•~•~•

I snap out of my mind as I hear a familiar voice approaching. I hide behind a wall and caught a sight of Larry hurrying with a nerdy look man following. I quickly send a message to him and I look again as he got my message and check it. I quickly run outside and stop a taxi.
"Natural History Museum please" I say as I slam the door shut.

When the taxi come to stop I jog up the stairs and freeze when I open the door. "Uh oh" my hand went to my side as I stare at all the workers packing all the crates and leaving it on the floor. I stand there and just nod to every worker who pass me on their way out. I trail my finger on every crate making sure its not locked. 'Teddy is not going' I assume as he was not packed.

I slowly walk to the Temple and peek inside. 'And he is not going to' I thought as I walk back to the front desk and sit there waiting. "Hello ! Excuse me ! Unauthorized personnel !" My head snap up as I hear Dr Mcphee from the back. I look up and spot Larry just coming from the front door. I stand up and approach him "You came" I smile. And he smile back.

Dr Mcphee speak up "If it isn't our very own Mr Success Story" He sarcatically grin "Come for one of your nostalgia tours ?" he finally shake Larry's hand "I haven't seen you for few months". Larry say "Yeah i've been busy, whats going on here ?" . I try to speak up but found it difficult and Dr Mcphee walk to the new projector thing.

"The future, behold, Natural History version 2.0" he click it on. As we stand there a virtual version of Teddy come infront "Welcome to The Museum of Natural History, where history comes to life" I smirk on that part "Step up, ask your question. Then let the next boy or girl have their turn". I choose to shut up and Larry ask "Okay, where were you born ?" After a moment "Right here in New York City on Twentieth Street, October 27th the year of our Lord 1858" and it start glitching.

Dr Mcphee turn it off "Blah blah blah, history history, learning learning, changing America one child at a time" and Larry, either being an idiot or just this things is to complicated say "Thats great, so you are adding new interactive exhibits ?" Dr chuckle "No, Mr Daley, not adding, replacing the old exhibits" and then the got into an argument about replacing and adding.
I walk to walk the crates and start loosen up the lid so they can get out easily.

I get back to Larry the monent he ask "So where are these guys going ?". I speak up "Deep storage, Federal Archives, The Smithsonian, Washington D.C". Larry speak frantically "Theres something we can do" he look at me. As he walk out Dr say "Its done, they are leaving tomorrow morning, its over"

I sigh and look around as the sun begin to set. "Hey buddy" I hear Larry as Rexy nudge him. I laugh as he play with the rope and jump a little as Larry fly across and land on a stack if cushion. And that is when all the lid burst open. I smile as Teddy ride to us. "Lawrence ! Good to see you lad !" He shake Larry's hand. "Yeah you too Teddy" he smile. "Eliza" Teddy say and I grin in return.

Suddenly a way too familiar voice come from the back that make me pretend to help The Huns with their weapons. "The Guardian of Brooklyn has return" Ahkmenrah say with his usual smile. I glance a little as I pretend to smile and "talk" to Attila. Unfortunately for me, he glance at my direction and caught eyes. I immediately look down.

As they talk a small box rattle up "Little help over here !" Jed shout. I hurried to the box but Larry manage to open it. "Well lookee here" Jed start "If it aint Mr. Big-in-the-Britches-Himself. Come back just in time to see us off !"

Larry try to cover up "yeah Jed, I heard look, I don't even know how this happened" but Jed mockingly answer back "Yeah real mystery how this happened. Maybe the answer's on that magic buzzing box there in your hand ! You weren't here, Gigantor ! Thats how it happened ! Ain't no mystery !" Then Oct speak up "the fact is, Larry, there's no one else to speak on our behalf during bussiness hours" he pause and look at me "except Lady Eliza here" I smile back. And a voice echoed "None none dum-dum"

And everyone starts to protest. Larry try to calm them down "Hey guys its ok ! I'll handle this I'll call the board in the morning. I have some pull now. We're gonna be okay here" and Jed starts again "We ?! Did you hear that ?" he say sarcasticly "there ain't 'we' ever since you put us on 'pay no mind' list and thats a cold place to be boy"

Oct added "Larry, what done is done. Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end" and he look at the distance dramatically. Larry wave a hand infront of him "Would you not please look dramatically to middle distance ? It make me feel worse" and oct say "I don't know what you are talking about" Larry sight "What you are looking at ? I'm over here" Oct shrug "Just a bit of wall"

I decide to sit down on the floor and plug in my headphone to block all this things. I look up as I see Teddy and the others walk to roam the hallways. I take off my headphone and sit infront of Jed and Oct so we are eye level. "Hey" I smile "You okay ?" I ask Jed who sit on the edge of the box. He sigh "Just squandering in self pity". I look at Oct for back ups.

"Oh come on you two, don't make me cry again" I say. Oct touch my finger "Lady Eliza, what happen yesterday doesn't deserve your tears my Lady" i sigh and wipe the wetness forming on my eyes "oh come here you two now you make me cry"

The jump to my shoulder and hug my neck. "I hate to break this but" Jed whisper to my ear "we have an audience" we break our hug and I tense up. "Oct" I say quietly "may I borrow a shield ?" He look confuse but then understood. I bring up the shield to my eyes. As it was to small, its makes the reflection blur but I still can make out what is it. I tense up, Ahkmenrah. "A true warrior" Oct start "will face their fear" I continue.

Then I realize, "I'm not scare of him" I semi-glare Oct. He look down "just being dramatic". Suddenly without any warning Jed jump from my shoulder and approach Ahkmenrah. "Hey Golden boy ! Found something interesting ?" I look at Oct with a Stop-Your-Friend look.

Frustasingly, I walk to Jed and crouch down "Jed come on, he's not worth it" with final last glare Jed jump to my shoulder. "Warrior girl" Jed fidle with the necklace which I realize still on my neck "if you hate him, why you wear this ?". I touch the ruby stone and look back as Ahkmenrah shake his head slowly with a firm look.

I smirk to Jed "just pretend that I stole it" he pat my shoulder "thats my girl" we walk back to their box just ten minutes into sunrise. "Suit up everyone" I crouch down and hug Jed and Oct with my finger "We gonna miss you, girl" I smile assuring "It wouldnt be long". I mouth goodbye and close their lid.

"So, wheres your crate, Teddy ?" Larry ask. I look down and bit my lip, knowing what will be the answer. "I won't be making this journey, Lawrence. It seems myself, Rexy and a few signature exhibits will be staying here for now" and I nearly face palmed when Larry ask "without the Tablet ?"

Teddy sigh "In truth, Lawrence, Ahkmenrah's Tablet will be remaining here with him" Larry give out a shock "What ?". Teddy smile "They are going without the Tablet, my friend. I'm afraid this is their last night". Larry say "You didn't tell them" I choose to speak up this time "We didn't tell them" I loon at Teddy "sorry I kind of deciphier things I saw". "Its okay my dear" he pat my shoulder. I smile "I'll be outside" I tell Larry.

Before I go outside, I creep to the Temple. I frown as I see Ahkmenrah talking to Dexter and pointing to the Tablet. Odd. I shrug it off and walk outside. I wait at the bottom of the stairs until Larry come out. "Is something happen when I'm gone between you and Ahk ?" He ask.

"Nothing happens between me and Ahkmenrah" I smirk. I walk away and he call me "Come to my apartment tomorrow Nick miss you" I laugh "Okay"

I got a feeling that this will be a long week.


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