The power

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A/n From now I'll mention The dagger from Ahk as dagger

Once the octopus went out fully, its tentacles start to swing in every direction. About half of the Egyptian guards got thrown all over the place. I jump up when a tentacle swing under my leg and duck down again when a spear fly to me. I snatch my knife and throw it to the direction where the spear came.

I whip around and see Larry signaling me to run. He clutch the Tablet on his arms and looking back. I had my dagger on my belt and two knife under my sleeve. "Come back here with the Tablet !" I hear Kahmunrah shout "I still have your friends !"

Suddenly, out of nowhere General Custer appear infront of us with a motorcycle. "Take the wheel !" He shout. Confusely Larry ask "what ?" I groan and push him to drive "he means drive !"

"Oh we are in it ! I love it ! Just keep her straight and i'll handle the rest!" Custer shout. I grip on the handle "So whats the plan ?" He grip an America flag and say excitedly "We are Americans ! We dont plan , we do !" He pause and turn the bike "see that ? Act first think later !" He glance at me "You're in good hands, General George A Custer of Fighting U.S 7th Cavalry, at your service"

Suddenly he yelp excitedly and jump. Unfortunately, he didn't see a metal racks above so he hit his head on it. I look back nearly burst out laughing "I'm good I'm good fly you fool" he shout. I look front again and shout at Larry "hit the break !" We stop just infront of....Amelia Earhart.

"Look Lady, could you get out of the way ?" Larry ask. I glare at him "She is Amelia Earhart, for God's sake Larry". Amelia smile at me "Looks that you young lady, has a good manner" she offer her hand and I shake it gently "I'm Eliza Narta, Ms.Earhart" she smile "just Amelia" then she glance at Larry who look around frantically.

"Now if you'd wipe that perhaps-permanent look of alarm off your kisser, I was wondering if you might be so kind as to tell me exactly where I am ?" She ask. Without glancing at her he answer "You're in a museum, well actually under it" we start walking again searching for an exit.

Then he face her "And I'm in kind of a dangerous situation right now, so you might not want to beanywhere near me". And all this time all I do is watch them and flipping my knife for the hundredth times. "Wow !" I duck as Amelia is surrounded by stucked spears. I glance at her and simultaneously we say "Now we are gonna have some fun"


We walk in to the National Galleries. "Why don't you just skedaddle ?" She ask. Larry sigh "I can't skedaddle my friends are being held down there , I need to find another way down". I feel some uneasy feeling that we arent safe here. I stop to retrieve my knife when something cold hit my face.

"What the ?" At the same time Larry is also hit on his face. Together we look at a painting (which I don't know the name) with people playing on the snow. But suddenly they step back and look scared. "Hey don't go we wont hurt you" Larry said and glance at me. I glance at my knife and put it on my belt but they still look scared.

"Eliza, Mr Daley I think it isn't you they are scared of" we turn around and see six egyptian guards charging towards us with their spears ready. I snatch my knife and start backing off towards the photograph of V-J Day In Timesquare.

"Didn't know you are a soldier" Amelia whisper to me. "Sort of" I twirl my knife in my hand and throw it and it take down one of the spears.

"Trade you" I see Larry giving the Tablet to the American Gothic and take their fork instead. He start twirling around in his place with the fork up.

"Back of back of ! I'll fork you" he say. Suddenly Amelia take the fork and aim on one of the guards "Never send a boy to do a woman's job. I spent two weeks spear-hunting with a tribe in Micronesia" the she throw the spear. But the guards move away. "The Micronesians have much slower reflexes" she say.

"Come on !" I see Larry slipping in to the V-J photograph and follow instantly. Everything change into black and white the moment we are in. We blend in the crowd to hide from the guards. Suddenly Larry's phone ring.

"Wow, four bars in 1945" he mumble as he pick up. Amelia slip beside me and whisper "So are you his girlfriend ?" I am currently hiding my dagger inside my jacket so nobody could spot it when I hear that question "ah hmm no" I want to answer but Larry beat me, again
"No, she is my daughter" he say "adopted" I whisper to Amelia..

"Hey--!" I glance back and giggle when Amelia is drag by a sailor for a dance. Just then I feel someone grab my arm and drag me towards the crowd. "Hey !" I hear Larry call again.

I look up to see a quiet cute and handsome sailor infront of me. "Thats not your boyfriend right ?" He ask. I shake my head and start dancing with the beat. And suddenly he just kiss me ! I just about to pull back when he release me.

"Did you burn me ?" he gasp. "What no !" I answer fast. He point to my chest "but theres something inside that burn me" he run away leaving me in the crowd. I pull out the necklace from under my shirt and I feel that it was a little warm. "Dammit" I jog to find Larry kissing a woman and Amelia slipping out to the real world.

"Quick !" He exclaim. We turn the photograph and close the entry to the wall. The photograph shake and we push it more. Thats when I feel a strength sensation on my hands and I push more. And it stop , both. "Thats actually works" I grin to Larry.

But what I found is he gapping and with wide eyes looking at my chest. "What ?" I say looking down. "Holy shit" I murmur when I see the necklace that used to be red is glowing with faint blue light that fade back to red.

"What is that ?" Amelia ask. I slip the necklace back under my shirt. "A necklace" I pause "from a Pharaoh that used to be my boyfriend". She look shock "its not the one that cause all of this right ?" I sigh "no, this Pharaoh is more nicer, his brother".

I smirk "but after this I'm going to kill a certain Pharaoh" with that I walk leading the steps leaving those with their argument.

So that is why Ahkmenrah is asking whether I'm here or not.


A/n A very special thanks to anyone who voted this book and also a shout out to my bestie KimMaslow for following this story. If you are a Rusher (Big Time Rush fans) or James Maslow fans, go and click the name above and click the follow button.
Its slightly mandatory.

Goodbye ! 😃

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