Chapter 22

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Theo's POV -

"I started that fire." He grins, his teeth showing. I feel Violet stiffen by my side and I want to squeeze her hand, but it's like all the energy has left me. I suddenly forget how to breath. I try and suck in a strained breath, but my lungs are not satisfied with the lack of oxygen and I start to feel faint. I stumble backwards, by hand on my forehead. "No, no." I mutter under my breath.

I sit down on the cold floor and push my fingers through my hair. I try again to take in a much needed breath, but my short breathing catches and instead a sob fills the air. I'm definitely not the type to cry. But for some unknown reason, I feel so vulnerable and crying feels like the only thing I can do right now.

A few more sobs escape my mouth, and I seal my lips together. Digging my nails into my palms, I close my eyes, letting wild tears fall down my cheeks. "No, no, no!" I cry out hugging myself. Why? Why did she have to die this way. It wasn't natural, it wasn't her fault. It was him, it was always him. I don't want to be here. I want to be with Angie, I want to feel her loving embrace again and again. I want to comfort her when she cries, I want to wake up to her cute bed head, I want to kiss her soft lips, I want to make her breakfast in the morning. I want so many things.

But I can't ever have them again. I cry and cry, my tears endless, not bothering to wipe them away and stare at the now blurred ground. Angie, if you're listening, please pray for me. I love you, I love you so much. All I want is for us to hold each other again.

I think to myself. Silence envelopes us. Suddenly, I feel two soft arms, wrapping around my body. Angie? Have my thoughts been listened to? I wrap my arms around Angie, inviting her in. I sniff as I touch her hair. But when I pull away, and look at the gorgeous girl before me, I realise it's not Angie. It's Violet, and I couldn't be happier.

Violet's POV -

That good for nothing, piece of sh*t! How dare he ruin people's lives, how dare he do the things he did. I might not know this 'Angie' person, but I do know that she meant a lot to Theo. No, means a lot to Theo. The way he sobs without any control. It's heart breaking. After our long embrace, I stand up and face Eric, who is smirking as if he has just one a prize. I narrow my eyes, and stare at him long and hard. Keep your cool, don't burst Violet. Don't burst. Too late, I'm already walking up to him. I stand close, to intimate him further. "Listen hear you f*cker. If you speak, I swear I will kill you." I spit, causing his smirk to widen. "I'd like to see you try." He says in a husky voice. Only an hour ago would I have found that voice luring, but now, it only makes me despise him more. I step even closer, so that our chests slightly touch and give him an angry glare. I place my hands on his chest, confusing him for a moment and push him over. He topples over, looking a little startled and tries to stand up. I bend down and slam my fist into his face. A loud cracking sound fills the room. Blood comes pouring from his nose and he stands up with murderous eyes. "B*tch." He says through gritted teeth, as he holds his nose. I watch as he brings back a fist and I prepare to duck. As his hand comes near, I dodge to the left, so that his punch only touches air. I kick his knee hard - always a soft spot - and he stumbles a little. In this moment, I kick him in the stomach, causing him to fall once again.

He moans and I stand over him. I come down on my knees and my fist comes into contact with his face again. He cries out in pain, but I continue. Each punch is like I'm releasing every ounce of my anger.

I watch as my hands pound him, cuts and bruises masking his face. After almost 10 minutes, the fight in his body gives way, and he stops defending himself. I stand up, kick him in the side and quickly walk over to Theo who seems to be staring off into the distance. "Thank you." He mumbles, looking at his hands. "For what?" I ask quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "For saving me." He sighs, resting his hand on mine.

I look into his eyes and all I can see is fear. So much fear. I can't believe I ever loved Eric. Did I ever really love him? I try and forget about him, but his name is being repetitively called in my mind. Eric is disgusting. He's sick. He's killed people, he's hurt Theo. But there's that one voice in the back of my mind. That voice that you just can't seem to block out.

Eric has ruined people, but... I still have feelings for him.

Just thinking about that makes me feel like a murderer. Kind of like when a teacher comes up to talk to you and you try to think back to anything bad you've done, thinking they want to talk to you about that. I'm in love with a freaking murder. Why me? I try to remind myself of all the bad things he's doing, but then I remember the kisses, his soft touch, the beach house. And I can't seem to get that good image out of my mind.

I have to get over him. He's only going to hurt me. I think, but I know it won't be easy. Unfortunately. If only life was easy.

Omg, I'm so sorry for not updating me, please don't kill me. Anyways... 😳 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope none of u r too angry about Eric being a total moron, but if u r, I totally understand u.

So yeah, vote and comment please.

Gracias xx

Tough Girl // Theo JamesWhere stories live. Discover now