Chapter 31

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Dedicated to wild3st_dr3ams for being my 1st commenter xx

Eric's POV -

"I can't believe you let her escape!" Oliver screams at me, his voice booming through the halls. "I didn't let her escape you moron. She's not gone, we'll find her." I spit, pushing my fingers through my hair. "We'll have to go look for her, she could be anywhere. She probably told the police, we're all going to jail, we're all going to die!" He rambles on, but he's stopped when I smack him across the face.

"We don't need to do sh*t. I know the perfect way to get in contact with her, Oliver. The perfect way." I say, before smiling wickedly.

Violet's POV -

I'm running, I'm running fast, as fast as my feet can move. I don't look behind me knowing that it will lead to terrible consequences. I speed up even more and I hear my heart pumping in my chest. I feel a falling sensation and then everything goes black. I start to feel liquid but I'm still blind to my surroundings. The liquid turns to a gooey texture and I can feel it seeping through my ears and nostrils. I then feel pressure in my head, which grows to pain as I am enveloped in a world full of darkness.

I find myself swimming in an unfamiliar substance. Oil. Deep black oozing oil. I try to scream but my lungs are flooded with the cold liquid. I am suddenly transported into a burning fire. I can feel my body heating up and I notice bubbles forming on my skin.

I smell burning meat and look down at my body. The meat I was smelling was my own. Grimacing at the state of my body, I feel wild tears trickling down my burning cheeks, when suddenly I am whipped around, and pulled out of the flames. Eric stands before me, smirking proudly. "W-what do you want from me?" I ask, with no power in my voice. "Oh Violet, you know the answer to that too well." He says, with a filthy grin playing on his mouth. He places his hands on my waist and I try to push them off, but his grip tightens.

"Get off of me!" I scream, spitting in his face. His hands rise up my body, and he eyes me with pure lust. "You are mine Violet. Always." He whispers in my ear. He begins to nibble at my earlobe and I cry out in defeat. "Eric, stop! Please!" I beg.

I feel the impact of his hand hitting my face and I stumble. But I don't fall onto the ground. No. I fall off a cliff, a tall rocky cliff. I feel my hair whip around me and my stomach feels queasy. My harsh scream pierces the air as I try and grasp at anything to save me. As I approach the ground, I see someone running towards me. A male figure comes to my side as my body hits the ground with a loud crack as my neck breaks. "Violet! Violet! You're okay, you're okay. I've got you." I hear him say, holding me in his arms. "T-Theo." I manage to stutter, before my throat catches and I can't breath.

Suddenly, I'm transported to a dark cold room, and for a moment I'm at peace, with no sound, no pain. But just as I relax, the metal walls around me start to move, inching closer and closer towards me. Every second, I feel the space around me decrease and I start to find breathing a challenge. I spread my arms and legs out, trying to prevent the walls from killing me, but it's no use. I feel the four walls and ceiling touch my skin and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the excruciating pain.

But it never comes.

I open my eyes quickly, only to find myself in the forest, trees and plants surrounding me, no space to breathe. It's dark, and there are no stars to provide light, and the moon is nonexistent. Only the sound of the harsh wind brushes my ears. All of a sudden, voices fill me mind. Eric, my father, my mother, every Bull I have ever beat up. The sounds swim around me, filling my entire being until I can't take it anymore. So when I look around, searching through bushes and under logs, I find a small hand-held metal object. As I pick it up, it's weight feels like a ton, but I lift it up anyway. Placing the barrel to my head, I look forward and just before I press the trigger of the gun and fall to the ground, I see Theo. Crying.

I blink my eyes thoroughly, trying as hard as I can to forget the dream. But it's always impossible. You can't forget something as vivid as that. Sighing, I stretch my arms, and swing my legs over the side of the hospital bed, ignoring the pain in my side and ankle. I grab my crutches, even though I despise using them and walk out of the door. I notice Theo sitting in his usual office chair, typing on his laptop silently. No one else fills the room, strangely, they probably all went home.

I quietly walk up to Theo, but I must of made a sound because Theo whips around, stopping me in my tracks. He stands up, and strides towards me. All is still until he raises his hand. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, while screaming, waiting for the hit. My eyes are squeezed shut, and my hands are in front of my face protectively. But when I don't feel anything, I lower my hands and open my eyes. The man that stands before me, isn't the Theo I know. He's not strong and tough. He looks sad, and... Scared. "Violet. I would never hurt you." He whispers. "I just wanted to hug you." He concludes. "I'm sorry, Theo. I-I'm just not used to. Well, kindness anymore. I c-can't trust anyone." I stutter, making Theo look at my sadly. "You can always trust my Violet, always." He says, tucking a stray piece of hair away from my face. I nod slightly, and smile slightly. There's a long pause before Theo speaks. "Hey, how about I lend you my laptop. You can watch some movies if you like? Go back to the hospital room and I'll meet you there in around 30." He says, causing me to grin. This is just what I need. A somewhat normal teenaged activity. I hug Theo quickly before taking the laptop and skipping along back to bed. I sit down and quickly make myself comfortable. "What to watch, watch to watch." I mutter to myself.

Eventually, after about 5 minutes of looking through films, I decide on The Shining, one of my favourites. I sit back and let the movie start. Pausing the movie quickly, I get up and decide to search for some food. But just as I'm about to leave, I hear a muffled voice coming from the computer. Curious, I turn back towards my bed, spin the laptop to face me, and I can't help but gasp when I see what is shown in front of me.

Hey guys... I know I haven't updated recently, sorry about that. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, not much happened really... But hey, it's here.

Anyways, just wanted to say,

This chapter is dedicated to wild3st_dr3ams for being my first commenter!! Thank you! (It brought a smile to face.) :D


Happy birthday soph_sall ...

(For a... 3rd time?) just had to write it again! So, wish happy birthday to her guys! (And read her new book "Amber". I'm telling you, it has an amazing plot.)

Anyway, keep expecting chapters, they shall come.
Vote and comment!
Gracias xx

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