Chapter 45

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Above or on the side it Fletcher, played by Dylan O'Brien. :D

Dedicated to adamvivi for voting for every single chapter in "All Mine" and some from this book. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Violet's POV -

My heart. That's all I could hear, my heart. It's unrhythmic patterns beating so loud, I was afraid the sound would be echoing off the walls around me. "You know Violet, my life's pretty hard too." He says, talking as if we're the best of friends. "Sometimes, I wonder what I ever did that made fate try so hard to keep us apart." He continues. It sounds like he's having a conversation with himself, because I'm not speaking, but he knows I'm listening. I always listen, never do. "But you know what Vi, it's not fate that pulled us apart. No. It was you, all you. You're going to wish you never ran away Violet. Your going to beg me to leave you alone. Just you wait." He speaks, his voice angry and intimidating. I'm about to scream out, call for help, open the door, anything. But just as I'm about to move, the sound of the bathroom door closing reaches my ears and it's all quiet again.

Eric had found me again. And this time, it was worse, because I had no idea where he was, or what he was doing. When I had been kidnapped, I had at least known he was in the same building as me. Now, he could be anywhere, and he was watching me. Honestly, how many people have stalked me? This is getting out of hand.

I sit paralysed on the closed toilet seat, staring at the cubicle wall, wondering, what did I ever do to deserve this?

People expect me to be a tough girl, but to be quite honest, I am so weak inside, and no one knows. No one can help me, because they don't know how I feel. And now that I've just found out that my friends are just an addition of my stalkers, I feel even more alone and needy. Shaking my head, I clear my throat and open the door quietly. I stand by the sink and spray some water onto my face, attempting to clear my thoughts. "Wanna talk?"

I almost have a heart attack, in fact, I'm pretty sure I did for a split-second. "You scared me." I gasp, when I realise who it is. "Sorry." He replies sheepishly. "It's okay, Fletcher." I sigh. "So, my offer still stands. Wanna talk?" He asks again. I chuckle, with no humour in my tone. "Honestly, I don't think anybody can cheer me up right now." I reply, straightening my back and facing him. "I know you're upset about the whole 'us stalking you' thing, but I have a feeling there's something else too." He tells me, curiosity written all over his face.

How the hell did he know? Did he hear Eric?

"I don't know what the second problem is and I won't ask, that's none of my business. But still, you should try talk to someone. I've been in a tough spot before, and talking really does help." He informs me. "Fletcher, I don't think anyone knows how I feel right now, you know?" I ask, fidgeting with my fingers.

I guess it was just talking to this hot boy that made me feel a little awkward.

"I can't say I know how you feel. Just, talk to a friend. I know you're not exactly happy with Sophie right now, but maybe we could get to know each other?" He offers. I'm about to agree with him when I remember who he is. "You're one of them. You've been stalking me." I answer, anger evident in my voice. "Look, I know what we did seems bad, but we were honestly just trying to protect you. There were bad people out there, druggies, murderers." He explains, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'm sure you could have kept an eye out for someone else." I mutter. He lets out a deep sigh, which sends shivers through my body. "You know how S.H.A.D.E. Gets rid of the bad people? Well we help the good people. And you're a good person Violet." He says.

"I've just- I stopped trusting people after- after what happened with E-Eric. You know about Eric, right?" I ask him. He seems to tense at the name and nods his head once. "Yes, I know about Eric." He answers sternly. It's silent for a moment before he speaks again.

"If we stay here any longer, we'll be painting each other's nails and braiding each other's hair. And that is not how I'd like to spend my afternoon." He says, causing me to giggle. "Look, how about we go out, just you and me. How does that sound?" He says, offering his hand to me. At first I'm reluctant, but eventually I place my slightly shaky hand in his large warm one and we walk out of the bathroom. I can't help but think how our hands just seem to fit.

It's different to the way I used to hold hands with Eric, more- gentle. "So, where are you planning on taking me?" I ask with curiosity. "Ah, now that is a surprise." He chuckles. We exit through a set of large double doors, and luckily, no one stops us. "I'm useless with surprises!" I whine. "What a shame." He answers sarcastically, a grin on his face. Whenever he smiles, two small dimples show on his cheeks. "You should smile more." I say, poking his cheek. "So should you." He answers, poking mine in turn.

Eventually we stop at a small bakery, which looks rather family orientated as there are pictures of a certain family all over the walls. "Hola Mama." I hear Fletcher say to a beautiful tanned woman at the counter. "hola mi amor, ¿cómo fue tu día?" The woman answers.

Hello my love, how was your day?

"bien bien. de todos modos, se trata de Violeta." He answers, squeezing my hand a little.

Good good. Anyway, this is Violet.

"Ah, sí, sí!" She answers, understanding written all over her face. She must know about me, yet another person to add to my stalker list. "dos muffins de arándanos por favor"

Two blueberry muffins please.

Fletcher tells his mother, before dragging me towards a small table with a checked cloth on the top. "You speak Spanish?" I ask, grinning like and idiot. What? I find it hot when a guy is bilingual. "Yeah, my mum's Spanish, so it was kind of compulsory for me to speak her language." He answers. "What about your dad? Where's he from?" I ask curiously. "My dad left us before I was born. Something about me being a mistake." He answers angrily. "Oh, sorry." I answer, looking down. Dammit, I made him mad. "It's not your fault, sorry for getting angry." He tells me soothingly, as his mother places to plates of the most amazing muffins I have ever seen on our table. "Gracias!" I say to her in my most Spanish accent. "De nada." She answers, just as cheerfully.

Fletcher chuckles and points to my plate. "Try it, you'll love it." He says smiling. I pick it up at the same time as him and we take a bite. "I just went to heaven." I inform him, before digging in for my second mouthful.

Heya lovely people. So, I just felt like making Fletcher speak Spanish, I mean, imagine Dylan O'Brien speak Spanish. Woah.

Eric came back, WHAAAT?!

Dedicated to adamvivi for voting for all my chapters in "All Mine" and for some chapters in this book. THANK YOU!

Also, a little shout out to @DivergentEquestrain for commenting on my previous chapter! THANK YOU!

Also, is anyone liking Fliot? (Fletcher and Violet) or Vibriel? (Violet and Gabriel). Or even Jaslet (Jason and Violet) and to conclude, is anyone still up for Veo or Veric? (Theo and Violet or Violet and Eric)

Please answer because this could make the final decision. It's up to you to convince me!

Vote, comment and message me.

Gracias xx

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