Chapter 2

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It was ten times better than the view form the window. The colour more vibrant, and the light even more radiant. I wide smiled spread across Tommy's face. He took a deep breath, feeling the last of the evening light warm the air in front of him. It was so inviting that he couldn't help but lean into it.

Suddenly his hand slipped. He yelped and went tumbling over the wall, landing with a soft thud.

He quickly shuffled and sat up. But wait. Nothing hurt?

He looked around him, discovering that his fall had been softened by a rather large pile of leaves. He examined himself, but the only damage was a small scrape on his hand and a couple of damp patches on his clothes.

After he had made sure the scrap wasn't serious, he squirmed out of the pile; getting up steadily, and brushing himself off.

That's when he realise where he was. He was outside. In the forrest.

Panic filled him. He whipped his head to look at the the wall behind him. It still loomed menacingly, it's bricks were darker, more stained and worn. It was probably meant to be seen from this side; and yet here he was. His eyes darted around it searching for a way to get back up.

He found it.

There was a small drain pipe positioned beside the neighbouring wall. He was light enough not to damage it, and once he reached the top he could easily jump back on his wall. So he went to grab it.

But something stopped him.

Maybe it was the way the wind sounded as it rustled the leaves. Maybe it was way the leaves fluttered below his feet, occasionally flicking up a flying toward the forrest, as if they were leading him. Maybe it was simply the fact that he dreaded to return home and never see this place again.

Slowly he pulled his hand away from pipe; turning back to forrest.

This could be his only chance. He might as well take it.

So, against his better judgement stepped into the forrest. At first he walked cautiously, double checking behind him constantly, but as he got more comfortable, he began to notice the environment around him.

His eyes stuck to a small bird perched atop a tree, its head was nested neatly under it wing. He watched it preen it self, and for some reason he was absolutely fascinated. Each little movement of feathers seemed so precise and natural.

He could of stayed there for hours, but both him and the bird where suddenly disturbed by a loud crack echoing form from somewhere nearby. Tommy started, and instinctively dashed behind the tree.

The bird spread its scarlet wings and took of quickly. Tommy watched it; momentarily put back in his trance, but the sound of voices drew his attention back to the source of the crack.

They were moving closer.

Tommy tensed and held himself tightly against the tree.

"Great job Techno!" he heard one say, "Now we have to take care of that poor tree". The voice sounded annoyed, so Tommy was extremely wary. He knew the consequences of bothering someone when they were annoyed.

"I didn't mean to" he heard a new voice answer. "It just- it got in the way"
The new voice was more subtle and reserved. Even some what forced.

He wanted to see who it was, so he began shifting to look out.

There was a sigh, "It's fine" came the first voice "We can just-"

They paused. Tommy was confused, why did they stop?

His curiosity got the better of him and he finally got the courage to poke his head out. What he saw immediately terrified him.

There were two people, children like him, though clearly older.

The person in front was tall, with brown hair and a brown eyes. He was wearing a warm yellow jumper and simple jeans. There was a beanie on his head and a long scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. He looked handsome and quite charming, and Tommy felt a welcoming aura form him.

The other person was a similar height, however he had bright pink hair and striking red eyes. He had large floppy pig-like ears and two small tusks were protruding from his mouth. He was also wearing jeans but instead of a jumper he had a large brown jacket with fur lining the neck and cuffs.

He wasn't particularly startled by their appearance. It was the fact that the red eyes were glued to him, that made his heart stop.

In panic he desperately tried to hide himself, but it only exposed him more. This caught the attention of the other boy. Who followed the other's line of sight until he saw Tommy. He looked surprised.

Tommy froze.

"Uh hello?" called the boy. "Can we help you?"

Tommy didn't answer, still holding the tree as if it were his lifeline. The boy started to slowly pace towards him, holding his hands in front of him non threateningly.

"Are you alright?" asked the boy softening his voice. It was comforting, and Tommy found himself starting to relax. He was hesitant but slowly nodded.

"That's good" said the boy smiling. "What's your name?"

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