Chapter 8

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Tommy blinked, so it wasn't a dream. He rubbed his eyes, closing and reopening them several times, just to make sure; but Wilbur didn't disappear. If fact he had been joined by an other figure. Techno.

He could feel an overwhelming rush of happiness shoot through him. It wasn't a dream, it really wasn't. He waved back. Standing up on his tippy toes, and reaching as high as he could, afraid that there was some chance they might not see him. 

Of course this was false, and the two figures collectively returned his gesture; though Wilbur with a bit more enthusiasm.

"What are you waiting for!?" called Wilbur, signalling him to approach. "Come on!"

His legs felt like stone, but quickly, they lightened, and without a second thought Tommy raced ahead. The wind rushed, pulling his hair back flatly against his head. The once smothering fog parted as he went, trailing behind him in white streams of mist.

It wasn't long till the figures became people. Real people. People he met. People he knew. People that were his fri-

Smack. Thud.

Then laughter.

"It's good to see you too"

In his pure exhilaration, he may or may not have forgot what exactly he was running towards.

The object in question was Wilbur. Which lead to him unintentionally full force tackling him to the ground. Luckily for Tommy, Wilbur had been tossed around an ungodly amount of times by Techno when they were younger, so a tackle from a six-year-old wasn't going to do much.

"MORNING" yelled Tommy, his excitement, clearly seeping out in his words, "I mean, morning" he repeated shyly.

This prompted nothing but warm laughter from Wilbur. "God, you really are like Techno" he said smiling.

Oh yeah, Techno! He eyed the surrounding air, finding him placed a couple of paces from the current predicament. He stood with a small smirk, having been extremely relived he wasn't the one in Wilbur position.

"Do you tackle people too?" asked Tommy, far to innocently.

Techno was immediately thrown off. He pinned Tommy with a look of such genuine confusion, that Wilbur was hardly able to breath.

"So, big man?" Tommy pried.

Even if Techno had been able to talk, there would no answer he could possibly supply. So he just gazed down at Tommy bewildered.

"Tommy" exhaled Wilbur. "If you wouldn't mind?"

"Oh yeah" Tommy rolled of him in which he thought was a graceful way, tumbling into the ground.

"So what's with the intense greeting?" asked Wilbur, a grin still plastered on his face.

Tommy hummed unsurely. "I got distracted?"

"While running?" asked Wilbur sceptically.

Tommy nodded.

"Well next time, as least give me a warning so I can dodge" said Wilbur brushing off his knee's and hands in turn.

Tommy scoffed. "You should've been able to dodge by yourself."

Wilbur huffed and looked to Techno for back up. Techno just shrugged, and signed 'He's got a point'.

"I'm getting ganged up on" sighed Wilbur annoyed.

"Yeah, me and big tackle Techno gonna take you down", said Tommy confidently, puffing himself up, as he tried (and failed), to loom over Wilbur.

Techno was more than happy to join the game, standing next to Tommy, and making him look far more intimidating in the process.

Wilbur glanced between the two, he needed a diversion. "Look behind you" he said pointing toward a spot over Tommy's shoulders.

Tommy looked; nothing. He was about to question Wilbur, but when his head swivelled back, he was gone, darting between the tree in an attempt to escape.

"GET HIM" echoed Tommy launching himself into a sprint.

Techno obliged, swiftly swooshing past him, and gaining rapidly on Wilbur.

"THIS ISN'T FAIR" shouted Wilbur desperately, his chase being cut all too short by the firm hand of Techno fastening on his arm.

Tommy grinned as he trotted happily over to his now captured victim. "So, Mr Criminal, any last words"

Wilbur sighed. "Only one"

He jerked suddenly, loosening Techno's grip enough to slip himself out. He took the opportunity to grab Tommy and lift him up. "Gotta"

Tommy gaped and squirmed frantically. "TEchnoo HelpppP!" he called, reaching in the hopes of a stray branch.

Techno watched smiling, and shook his head.

"NOOoooO" whined Tommy. "Betrayallll"

"You reign of terror is over raccoon!" said Wilbur dramatically, lifting him towards the sky.

"Haha! You underestimate- wait, raccoon?!. I'M NOT A RACCOON!", he insisted angrily.

"Are too" argued Wilbur smugly.

"Am not!" Tommy shot back aggressively.

"Are too, and you know it!" said Wilbur firmly.

Tommy took his as his opportunity for revenge. So, he pulled in his feet and kicked out, into Wilbur. Hard.
Wilbur dropped him instantly, at which point to make his getaway, giggling and hopping between thick roots.

Yet when he glanced back, he wasn't being chased as expected, instead he was only met by a crushing wave of guilt.
I'mmmmmmm bacccckkkk! :D

That's right I've returned from the dead, and this time I hopefully won't be snatched back.
As for what happened just got really, there were two main factors.
Lots of school work throughout the term, combined with an extreme lack of motivation cause me to just leave a lot of the Internet for a little while, but now I'm on top of things, therefore I finally have the time to write again!
Hopefully updates at least once a week, and maybe more :0

Also would guys prefer longer chapters less frequently, or shorter ones more often?

Hope you're enjoying the story!


P.S I have an instagram for fandom and AU stuff, and now I'm back into this story I might start putting some drawings of it up there! It's @field_clown if you're interested :3

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