Chapter 7

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Tommy's eyes fluttered open. The light of morning scattered hazily around him. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, blinking a couple of times as he observed his situation.

However, there was nothing exciting, he was just met by the view of his messy room.

Tap Tap

"Coming" he mumbled absently. Liam often woke him up early, with some pointless chore or task. He flung off the covers and let himself slide off the bed.

Tap tap

He briskly made his way to the door. Trying to fluff his bed hair to to some acceptable state. He gripped the door knob and turned it, the door opened creakily.

"What do you want?"

He didn't get an answer. Probably, because there was no one there. In fact the hallway showed no signs of movement. Tommy poked his head out in confusion but found nothing.

Tap Tap

The sound was from behind him, coming from his room. He looked over his shoulder in confusion, but he was meet by the same silence.

"What the-?"

Tap Tap

He lifted his head to locate the source of the noise. His eyes widened, and his mouth fell agape. There sitting outside the window, was the bird. It crooked it's head at him, and let out a sharp whistle. He blinked cluelessly at it. It repeated its call, and tapped firmly on the window.

"Oh! You want to be let in!"

Tommy quickly darted across the room, and pulled himself up to the rack. He leant towards the window and looked down at the lock. His face dropped. That's right. Broken.

He looked at the bird, who sat quietly observing him.

"Stay there, I- I'll come in a sec"

He landed on the floor and dashed out though the pre-opened door, not caring about the noise he made. It didn't take him long to run down the stairs and to the back door. He carelessly shoved his shoes on and slid it open.

He stepped out into the chilled morning air, craning his head up towards his room. The bird was gone from outside his window, now perched patiently on garden wall.

Once it saw him it began chirping and hoping around merrily.

Tommy chuckled. "Good morning!" he said happily. "It nice to see you"

The bird seemed to reciprocate his hello, singing loudly and flapping its small wings a couple of times. The petit creature swooped down and landed a few feet away.

Tommy froze, afraid he might scare it off, but the bird continued to hop about as if he wasn't there.

"Woah" gaped Tommy in awe. "I've never seen a bird this close"

He crouched down held his hand out carefully, and to his surprise the bird approached it. Tommy was completely still. The bird looked directly into his eyes, chirped, flew straight up above his head, and glided off to the side.

Tommy followed it. Soon it land on the wall were the thick layers of ivy grew. The realisation finally came to mind.

"You want me to come?"

The bird whistled and turned to face the forrest. That was enough confirmation for Tommy, and he began his climb. It was easier than the day before, his hand moving naturally to the slots in the wall he'd discovered prior. His golden tumble of hair, soon poked over top, followed by the rest of his head.

The forrest had maintained its golden glow and magnificence. Yet today he had less time to admire it as a small streak of red zoomed past his head. The bird hovered for a moment in the air before him, then fluttered down to the nearest branch.

Tommy looked down. Last time he'd simply fallen down, but he wasn't risking that again. Instead he used the same drainage pipe he'd seen on his first outing. He slid down it with ease; his feet crushing the semi soggy leaves pressed against the walls.

It was some what misty, a heavy blanket of cloud having consumed the surrounding area. The forest it self all the more mystical, and deep. Tommy concealed his intrigue, focused on attending his little guide. Said guide was currently preening its wings as it awaited him.

Tommy went forward to the tree, shallow drops falling and settling upon his bare arms. In his rush, he'd completely forgotten to change. It wasn't like he was in pyjamas; he didn't have any, he was wearing a thin short sleeve T-shirt and shorts with were certainly not suitable attire.

The bird flapped on the next tree; Tommy followed. Once he had gotten to that tree the bird flapped to the next. They continued this game, the bird stopping and waiting for Tommy each time, who was quite enjoying it. He didn't realise just how far they'd traveled till he hear the familiar voice.


He looked up to see Wilbur grinning and waving at him.

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