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Donghyuck turned his findings in to the police the next day

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Donghyuck turned his findings in to the police the next day. Even if Jeno did not want to know how he died, Donghyuck was still dead set on exposing his killer and making him pay for his crimes. Anyone who could murder Jeno could only be the worst human being alive. By the next day, the suspect was in custody. Donghyuck waited so long to see if he had been correct. He hoped he was at the same time as hoping he wasn't; if he had been correct, it would mean that Jeno's death was far more tragic than he ever could have imagined; if he was incorrect it would mean all of Donghyuck's time as been spent on nothing.

One day, when Donghyuck showed up for work, Mark showed him a news article posted on the front page of nearly every social media page. 

Supposed Suicide of 22 Year Old Lee Jeno Revealed to be a Murder After Almost Two Years: The Ultimate Betrayal of a Best Friend.

Donghyuck was absolutely shocked upon seeing the headline. So he had been correct.

After searching deep into Jeno's past, he found that there was seemingly nothing that would make anyone want to murder Jeno, but there was also nothing that made it seem like he would commit suicide. Donghyuck researched his family, his job, his friends, until he finally found something that fit.

Jeno had a friend that had been with him since childhood. He followed him through school, through college, all the way to his job. From what Donghyuck could tell, they did everything together. However, something always seemed off. Donghyuck didn't know why, but he had a feeling that something was off about his friend. When Jeno died, he didn't show up to the funeral. He had claimed to be busy during the time, just as he claimed to be at home during the time of Jeno's death. There was nothing to disprove either of these statements, but there was also nothing to support them.

Looking further into this friend, Donghyuck found that his family was directly related to Jeno's. Their families had been in a rivalry for years, yet still these two were friends. Donghyuck decided to take his research a step further by looking into the people around him. Everyone Donghyuck reached out to said that he had started acting different ever since Jeno's death. This would be perfectly normal for someone who was grieving, but, upon closer inspection on Donghyuck's part, he found that this didn't seem to fit either.

Jeno's friend started spending more time with his family who, in the past, he seemed to have avoided with a passion. What was stranger than that was that he started to buy more. He began spending excessive amounts of money on excessive luxuries such as cars and designer fashion. He had not changed in a way that suggested grieving. He changed in a way that granted him new luxuries. This is what led Donghyuck to give his name to the police. He knew they had the means to a much deeper examination than he could pull off on his own, so he gave them a lead and waited from there.

Donghyuck grabbed the phone from Mark's hands. "Let me see that."

Over a year ago, on March 15, 21 year old rap instructor Lee Jeno was found dead in front of the apartment building he was a resident of. It was determined that the cause of his death was collision with the concrete after taking his own life and jumping from the top of the building. However, it was recently brought to the attention of the authorities that something deeper was going on. The name of Mr. Lee's childhood friend was brought into question earlier this month and police have been deep into the case ever since. Recent investigations show that Mr. Lee was indeed pushed off the roof of the building by none other than his closest friend. This friend's name shall, at the time, remain undisclosed due to the will of the authorities, but we have been assured that there is no doubt he is the culprit.

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