eight: a look on her past

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your sleep schedule is absolutely destroyed. every single day, you wake up tired, eat, then stream, then eat again, play games off stream, and then facetime sykkuno until 2 in the morning. 

you open your eyes to the morning sun glistening through your window. You wake up smiling, unable to stop thinking about last night. head empty, just Sykkuno. when you reach out for your phone, you notice your light blue sleeves. you start to blush in delight after remembering how happy you were the day before. you live in his hoodie now. 

the first thing you do is open up snapchat to see your flashback stories. one year ago yesterday was the day you, Ashley, and Bella first streamed together. oh the good old days. it was a video of you all playing minecraft bed wars laughing and yelling so loudly that your neighbor had to tell you to quiet down. it was a really good memory and you couldn't wait for the one today. you anticipatingly click on the highlighted button and boom. your smile drops as all the memories come flooding back to you. you move your phone to the side, not wanting to look at it anymore. you bury your face into your hands and you start to break down into tears. 

today was the day you found out he didn't love you anymore. the day he valued her over you. the day you realized how easily you could be replaced. the day he told you that you weren't worth it. that no matter how hard you try. that no matter how much you love. it will never be enough to make someone stay. 

you know that it's been two years, but that person really broke you. ever since then, it's been so hard for you to trust someone like that again. you already struggle with opening up to others, but after remembering everything again, your guards begin to build back up.

you take off sykkuno's hoodie and throw it across your bed. i won't- i can't like or even think of liking him anymore. what if he doesn't even like me? do i even like him? i can't just give him all my trust and my heart just like that because what if he just breaks it and leaves me? 

your sad thoughts get interrupted by a knock. you wipe your tears, get out of bed, and open your door.

Bella walks in with Ashley and says, "heyyy kale," sitting on your bed.

 "are you okay?" asks Ashley concerningly.

"oh ya im perfectly fine," you say smiling through the pain.

 "are you sureeee?" 

"yeah im sure"

"okayyy then" 

"its just that-"

"there it is"

"okay fine i guess i won't tell you anymore," you respond, crossing your arms and turning away.

"kaleee we're kidding!! you know that we're here for u. what happened and who we gonna fight?" bella says getting riled up.

"lmao bella what are we gonna do? we're not even 5 foot 5 inches tall"

"okay true, but who we fightin"

"is it sykkuno?" ashley guesses.

"no its not sykkuno why would it even be sykkuno?"

ashley looks at you and shrugs.

"so anyways i just got snap memory right and its of him... from two years ago today?"

"him him?"

"the one that you dated for a year then broke up with then slowly trusted him again and then dated him again only for him to break up with you, break your trust all over again, then decided not to be friends after cuz he chose that other girl over you?"

"mhmmm that one," you say with a deep sigh.

"did he text you again or something?" bella asks.

"no, i just got a snapchat flashback of it and everything just hit me you know?"

"yeah i remember that time... but hey look at you now! you're a grown independent woman who's hot as fuck, smart as fuck, and BAD AS FUCK!"


"thanks guys it really means a lot..." you say, giving a small smile.

"okay now get out of bed we're going to have a girls day to make you feel better! we're gonna go eat at your favorite restaurant and get boba, but first of all, ICE CREAMMMM!"

"ice cream? this early?" 

"girl you need to start sleeping earlier because it is literally 1 pm"

"it's okay guys i'm just gonna go back to bed and cry and then sleep." you grab your blankets and curl up into a little ball.

"ice cream is the way to a person's heart so what better way to heal your heart than eating ice cream."

"uhhh i don't know..."

"i'll payyy," bella says, trying to convince you to get out of bed for once.

"okay fineeee ill go," you whine as you roll out of bed. "you know i can't say no to free ice cream."

821 Words!

a/n thank you so much for reading this chapter! im sorry ive been a little slow recently, i just got a job woot woot!! so thank you for being so patient with me.


also i finally hit 1k reads recently so thank you again for that :D

luv u shrimps <3 don't forget to vote vote vote

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