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Everyone knows Hyuck loves Mark soo much. Ofcourse he does, they have been together since childhood and Jun just came so late and he doesn't have that kindda bond with anyone..being together since childhood. Hyuck admires and loves Mark too much. Soo much that it crushes Juns heart every time he sees Hyuck trynna hug or kiss Mark. But he can't do anything, Mark is a person who is liked by everyone. He can't do anything but hold back his tears every time they threaten to fall at the sight.

It's Sunday tomorrow,which means they have a break.He texts Mark and tells him to ask Jhonny that can he be out when Renjun talks to Hyuck.
He reaches 127 dorm by 3pm.
Taeil hyung opens the door,he greets him.
He walks towards Hyuck's room and sees Johnny,Doyoung,Taeyong,Mark on the dining table.They looked like they were discussing something serious, probably about Haechan.

He smiles at them,they smile back.

Then Renjun enters Hyuck’s room and locks the door behind him.
He is curled up in bed with blankets on, facing the window.

“Hyung don’t turn on the lights”

Renjun gets close to him and sits on the bedside and says,”Araaso,hyung will not turn on the light” with a chuckle.

Hyuck turns around,blanket still covering him.

“Why are you here?”

“Why can't I be here?”

On very rare occasions it’s Renjun who pisses off Hyuck. Honestly he can do it all the time but he doesn't because it's too bothersome.

“Ughhhh...go away i dont wanna talk”,he groans. 

Renjun just sits properly on the bed ,his head on the headboard.

It's tooo silent,maybe the hyungs can hear even their breathing sound because he can literally sense the hyungs are still there on the dining table.
Renjun doesn't know where he should start from,he starts patting Hyuck’s hair lightly, unconsciously. 
“Talk to me Haaechan-ah”
"I won't leave until you talk" , it's necessary this time to force Hyuck to talk.




Few minutes pass by



Hyuck then sits upright and hugs Renjun sideways ,nuzzling into his neck. Renjun holds onto Hyuck’s palm with his hand and caresses his cheek with the other.

It's silent again.

“It is exhausting?too much?”

  Its takes Haechan few seconds to answer

“Mmm…” Hyuck swallows.

Renjun can feel Hyuck is close to breaking down,but he knows it's better if he lets it out instead of keeping it to himself.
Renjun tightens the hug with both of his hands, bringing Hyuck's face to his chest, and that's all what Hyuck needs to hug back tightly and start sobbing lightly.

“It is h-hard, t-too much”

Renjun starts running his fingers through Hyuck’s hair in order to relax him a little and hugs him tight with other hand. It hurts Renjun seeing his Fullsun crying.

He is sure the hyungs can hear Hyuck crying.

On the other side ,the hyungs….Doyoung was already all teary hearing Hyuck crying, even if he is annoying, Doyoung loves him a lot and it's shocking and heartbreaking to hear the always shining ,their ‘Full Sun’ crying. It broke everyones heart hearing the light sobs from the room.





After a few minutes the sobs fade away and its silent again

They hear Renjun saying, “Haechan-ah...you should take care of yourself..hmm? You don't need to please everyone by acting happy and energetic. We will always be by your side. You don't need to act happy and energetic when you are not feeling well ,for us to love you. We love and treasure you for you. If you are tired,then rest , if you are stressed tell someone,you are not bothering us by sharing that you are exhausted,hmm?”

Taeyong is relieved that Renjun is mature and too good and kind of a friend to assure Hyuck these things, reminds him of Doyoung. It automatically spreads warmth and smiles across their faces.

In the room, Hyuck just hums and nods. And Renjun hugs him tighter and rocks their body side to side slightly ,caressing the younger's back.

“Wanna rest?”


Renjun lays him down on the bed and he props himself up on his elbow and starts patting Hyuck’s head.

“Juna-ah hug me”

“No, i am gonna leave after you fall asleep, close your eyes and sleep now Channie”

“Aaa wheeee”
“Are you a kid?”,Renjun chuckles.

He surges forward and pecks his forehead, 
Renjun isn't sure if it's the nostalgia or just his imagination but he lowers himself more and pecks Hyucks lips.

Hyuck doesn't say anything but he is burning hot, ofcourse he is flustered, but he doesn't say anything. Last time they kissed on lips was when they debuted,when they were young,just an innocent peck. Now they are adults, almost 21.
He is relieved the lights are off and Renjun can't see his face turning beetroot. It's not like he likes Renjun,but it's his first kiss, well technically second but he isn't sure why he wants more, Juns lips are soft. What?No what?

He just keeps his eyes closed and forces himself to sleep fast.


Whereas it takes few minutes for Renjun to process what the fuck did he do. They aren't those innocent kids now. They are adults. And he has a bigass crush on Hyuck! Wtf !
But Hyuck does not react?, Renjun thinks maybe he is too tired he didn't even feel Renjun kissing him. He is relieved but deep down he knows he was hoping for something which crushes his heart .

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