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Donghyuck’s pov:

Part one is released and now we have performances.

It's our first from Home stage tomorrow. 

Also i need a day off to think about my feelings, Renjun being around all day doesn't help me but confuses me. My head is clogged with renjun,renjun and renjun. I try to distract myself but….wtf..why is he so cute...From Home outfits go to hell...why does Renjun’s outfit have to be cute….I mean he is always cute but….ughhh..this really is a lot to process….

Jeno’s pov:

Renjun messed up in one of the performances today.

And Hyuck created the hashtag saying Jun was cute, he knows Renjun gets insecure if something like this happens,he pays attention to all things related to Renjun and ISTG HOW DOES HE STILL DARE TO SAY HE IS CONFUSED ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR JUN?????!!DUMB .
Fans wouldn’t believe the smartass Haechan could be this dumb.

Donghyuck’s pov:

I know what I am feeling right now but i need to be sure of it. Why did it suddenly clicked me,since when do i have these feelings ,to confess. But i don't know if i will confess ,i don't even know if Jun likes guys. First I am gonna make sure my feelings really are what i think they are.

Renjun’s pov:

Hyuck keeps getting closer to me, not that i mind, its like a guilty pleasure of mine that consumes me. Hyuck was always this clingy and flirty towards me but i know i need to get over it but he makes me soo weak. I can't resist him sometimes. His bright face, pouty lips, cute nose,I don’t have the heart to reject him and make him dull, it makes my heart crush . When I am tired i don’t pay him attention, he keeps bugging and then goes away when he realizes I will not respond.

When he made the hashtag just for me,  it made my heart flutter and my insides giddy. His such behaviour is really not helping me get over him.. Also we need to be together all day long so i can't even ignore him without a reason. 

We filmed unboxing of part two of the album today. I don't know what got into me but I so confidently stuck a sticker on Hyuck’s head calling him My precious thing. I am not lying, I know Hyuck to his core, he was trying so hard to not blush! He was so flustered and blank for a few seconds before sticking sticker on me too. But I know that was for the sake of fanservice only.

I quite loved the look of almost shy Hyuck,... but that was only because he was flustered,its not daily i get so blunt about my affection for him.

Donghyuck’s pov:

Assjskjskjkajksj Renjun indirectly called me his precious thing today!!!! I could feel blood rushing through all my veins oh my god i was controlling so hard to not blush like I am a teenager whose fav idol just kissed him on cheeks. Fuck I hope Injun didn't see that.
I know he is good at keeping a straight face. He thinks no one knows about it, but i know him well enough to know he hides his true emotions under the mask. But sometimes it’s hard for me to distinguish too.

We filmed the SM Town sticker making video today. I was being my usual flirty self with Renjun but today was something different, he didn't fight much? It was like he was just tolerating me? Not interested ..just for the sake of filming? I was kinda sad….
But maybe he was just tired due to continuous busy schedule, his stamina is surely less than me, cuz he tiny hihihi

I sat by his side today while filming the relay-cam time slot deciding, Holy shit he won against Xiaojun hyung and Doyoung hyung!!!!! Uli Renjunniee is really growing a lot.

But he looks so fine today I-

God how dare he look that good ,literally no one could take their eyes off him. He is always this cute but today he looked so sexy i can’t describe, his charm,ughhh...I hate when everyone sticks to him like he is their boyfriend.....no what,what am i saying,ughhh, Renjun is really driving my mind crazy. 

But it's sad how I don't get to see him everyday now that NCT 2020 promotions are over….but we do chat every day,about songs and what happened at 90’s love performances and NCT 127 comeback with Loveholic.

I am tired to be honest...Kick it, Ridin,From home, 90’s love and now Loveholic ,i have been performing and promoting continuously for like 1 and half year. But it's okay. I have great stamina. 

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