Part 5

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Olivia's POV:
When the song ended I let go of Owen's neck and looked around us. There were very few people left. I didn't want to go home but I was definitely too drunk to do something else. I wanted to start dancing but my feet didn't let me so I fell down.

"Liv you okay?" I heard Owen talking to me.

"What? YEAH" I laughed and stood up, "Of course I am" I started dancing again.

He took my hands and stopped me. "Olivia you're wasted" he laughed at me but didn't let go of my hands.

"And?" I asked loudly.

"Nothing but maybe don't try dancing again" he said, "I don't want anything to happen to you" he added softly.

"How are you not drunk?" I asked him when I calmed down.

"I can handle lot more than you, " he shrugged

"Yeah, sure" I started laughing.

"But I definitely didn't have as many drinks as you did" he smirked. His phone then started ringing so he picked it up and I went for more drinks.

"EMPTY? Um, waiter? Service? SOMEONE? I need a drink" I cried out and sat on the floor. I saw Owen coming with a bottle so I quickly stood up but I became dizzy so I fell on the floor again. "Fuck" I mumbled and stayed on the floor. Just to be sure.

"Here, drink it," Owen gave me the bottle.

"Is there alcohol in it?" I asked him curiously.

"No" he laughed and sat across from me.

"Well, then I don't want it" I got annoyed and wanted to give him the bottle back. He took my hand which I was holding the bottle with and looked me straight to the eyes.

"You're gonna drink it, right now Olivia" he tried keep straight face but didn't hold in the laughter. "No, for real Liv, drink it, it's gonna make you feel better," he smiled and let my hand go.

"Ooooo, so it's drugs?" I whispered.

"Sure, you can call it like that" he whispered back and laughed. "Oh and I'm taking you home" Owen added.

"What? No. I am with Savannah. Where is Savannah? SAVANNAH?" I started yelling.

"Liv, Liv.." Owen tried to stop me, "Olivia" he shouted, put hand over my mouth and laughed, "she called and said she left with Charlie and Tori, I told them I'm gonna take you home, okay?" he was looking me straight in the eyes. I dived deep into them but snapped out of it and stood up. I became dizzy again but, thank god, didn't fall.

"But how are we getting home when we're both drunk?" I asked Owen on the stairs. I stumbled over a step but Owen quickly caught me, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Clearly some of us more then others" he added sarcastically and helped me stand up. We were so close to each other now.

"We're walking" he whispered and winked at me.

"Oh, okay" I stepped away, not sure what to do, "are we going to stop for some food?" I blurted out. "Sure" he laughed.

When we walked out, I shivered. I mean, who wouldn't. We're in Canada and I'm wearing a tank top with skirt. You could wonder why I chose it when it's cold so I tell you this. I look HOT so it is worth it.

Owen noticed my shivering body and took off his jacket. "Here, take it." I quickly wrapped it around me, immediately feeling warmer. "Thank you" I  smiled at him. I was looking straight into his big eyes. My legs started trembling from the unbearable pain from my high heels. I took Owen's hand so I wouldn't fall on the ground.

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