Part 15

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Olivia's POV:

I woke up from the social media world when Owen suddenly hit the brakes. I took it as a sign that we arrived. 

"I don't want to EVER hear you say I can't drive, ever again," I emphasized my words as I left the car to finally stretch out my legs. "Is Marie already here?" I turned to Charlie, who was also stretching after the long drive. 

"She should be in any minute," Charlie smiled at my and dived back to the van to change his clothes. I looked around the area to find the reason why we stopped here. There were about 3 other cars. There wasn't anything that would look stop worthy.  It was just trees and hills. 

"If you are wandering why we stopped here," Owen sounded from behind me like he could read my thoughts, "we're going on a hike." I turned around to the boy who had a grin on his face, which could only mean something bad. 

"You're not telling me we are going-" I got interrupted by his abrupt nods. I turned my head slightly up to find the top of the hill. Yes, we are going there. Charlie is like crazy when it is about hiking or mountain climbing and Owen got that from him. 

Not long after there was a car approaching us. I knocked at the van door to let Charlie know that Marie arrived. He shot the door open practically shoving me to the ground. I growled at him as he helped me up.  She wore really beautiful summer dress with a jacket over it. She had all her things with her, ready for the road trip.

While Charlie was greeting Marie, I went inside to change to something more appropriate for the hike. As I said, the weather was abnormally hot, so I was pretty confident that I will die on the way up. I put on Nike shorts, sports bra and a light tee over it, which I knew would be down a few minutes into the hike.

"Hi, Marie," I exclaimed and hugged her, "You really do be wearing the prettiest dress, you look stunning," I complimented on her look. It was true. She had flower dress that ended in mid-thigh. She looked stunning and I made sure that Charlie tells her so. "Doesn't she Char," I raised my voice so he could hear me.

"Yes, you look beautiful," Charlie complimented. He was a little shy when it came to things like this, but I found it extremely cute. I was also sure that this shy persona will be long gone in a few minutes.

I took Marie inside the van, so she could put her things in and change her clothes. 

We are now almost at the top of the mountain. It was so hot I could barely breathe and my feet were burning. I was walking just in the sports bra and shorts and I was still sweating. I am only few steps away from the, already mentioned, death. Marie also took off some of the clothes and Owen and Charlie were shirtless. 

"You okay Liv?" Owen poked me when he stopped. Marie and Charlie were far behind us because they were taking photos. Who takes photos in the middle of the hike? God's favorites. The ones whose face doesn't get red after a few minutes of fast walking. Not my case.

"Huh?" I looked up at him not sure about what he said as I was too concentrated on steadying my breath.

"Are you okay? You look like you're going to pass out," he scoffed. He was waiting for me at bench that was sit against the rock surrounding the path.

"Nah, I'm good, you're the one who's sitting," I pointed out and let out hard breath as I sat next to him. I let my head fall back and took several deep breaths. I really don't believe that I look that bad. Am I tired? Hell, yeah. But do I look like fainting? Nah.

"You have to admit, it was worth it," Owen stated, looking at the horizon in front of us. Well the view was breathtaking, it looked like from a different world. 

"We're not even at the top yet, I don't admit anything yet," I winked at Owen. Just by looking at his face a devilish idea ran through my head. "You want water?" I asked him taking the bottle out of my backpack. 

"Sure," he reached his hand out for the bottle but I was faster and pressed the bottle. All the water that was in the bottle was now streaming down Owen's face and shirtless body. He licked his lips, almost seductively and laughed to himself.

"Olivia, you are SO DEAD," he said calmly and I took that as my sign to start running away. I tried to run as fast as possible but my feet, the heat and my low physical ability didn't let me run away from him.

"What did you say Liv? You want a hug? Oh of course, come here," Owen exclaimed and hugged me tightly. His wet body sinking into the few pieces of clothing. 

"Eww Owen," I screamed, "stop it!" I tried to push him away from me but his embrace was too strong. We received more than one strange look but neither of us cared.

"You have to say you're sorry," he laughed and threw me over his shoulder. 

"To say I'm sorry? I'd be rather thrown into that lake to apologize to you," I chortled but stopped immediately when I realized he started heading to the lake.

"As you please baby," he grinned and fasten his pace.

"No, Owen, don't you dare-" before I could finish the sentence he threw me into the water.

The water was freezing but it felt really good after my body adjusted to the sudden change of temperature. When I surfaced, the first thing I saw was Owen jumping right at me. The water splashed me and the cold feeling ran through my body again.

"Now we're even," Owen stated and slicked his wet locks back. He now reminded me of John Travolta in Grease.

"Honey, we were even, now you started a war," I smirked and started swimming to the lake shore. Owen got out of the water before me and offered me a hand. I considered taking it but then I realized that I'd probably struggle to get out so I rather took it and he pulled me out. We were now standing so close to each other that our wet bodies were touching.

A water drop was rolling down my face but Owen wiped it away with his thumb before it could fall off.

"THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN," Charlie stood there with his mouth hanging open, while he was holding a phone in front of his eyes, recording us. I bet it will be in the group chat in no time.  I stepped away from Owen and gave Charlie a middle finger.

"Where were you two anyway?" Owen asked to break the awkward silence.

"Just taking some pictures, admiring the view, you know, but I'm not really sure that you're aware of the view, since you have eyes just for each other," Charlie smirked, took Marie around her shoulders and walked away, leaving me and Owen there just to ourselves. As I said, shy Charlie doesn't exist anymore.

"We're going on a walk tonight," Owen simply announced a few seconds later.

"We're on a hike now, why would we go again at night?" I asked him truly confused.

"Because it will be just the two of us," he whispered to my ear, his hands lightly touching my wet stomach, and walked away, leaving me there speechless. 

What does he mean? It was just the two of us the whole time, it can't be more just the two of us.


a/n: hope you enjoyed it, ty for all the votes and comments, ily

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