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-You took Diane to get an abortion and you came back to school-

   "Thanks a lot y/n," Diane teared up and hugged you. "I'm just glad I helped. If you need anything just ask. Ok?" I reassured her giving comfort. " Was I right to get an abortion?" Diane asked nervous. "Contrary to popular belief it's your body and if you weren't ready then it's your choice," I told her. Diane shook her head in agreement with making her feel better about her decision. "Hey, skip all your classes and stay with me for school. Your probably tired and exhausted. I need to watch after you," I offered worried. "Oh no, I don't wanna be in your way," Diane denied. I put my hand on her shoulder and became serious. "Please Diane, you can't be alone right now," I tried to change her mind. "O-ok..if it isn't to much trouble for you," She smiled and cried at the same time. 

-Diane had spent the whole day with you and you watched after her making sure she was alright. The school day was nearly ending and you went back to Mr.Jurel's class-

I walked up to Mr.Jurel seeming I needed to clear my question out of the way. "Hey Mr.Jurel?" I asked seeing if he was available to speak. "Yea y/n?" he replied back. "Can me and Eddie sing a song at the sophomore dance? The dance happens to fall on my birthday and I want to sing with him." I asked nervously, looking down at the floor messing with my fingers. Mr.Jurel looked up and smiled. "Ahh, so are you and Eddie a thing?" Mr.Jurel smirked. "Well, kinda. I mean we did have this moment but we haven't made it official." I responded like he was one of my friends. I kind of liked the fact Mr.Jurel cared about what was going on in my life since my parents didn't. Mr.Jurel was like a father that cared to me. "Well, in that case you two lovebirds can sing together." "You could sing the song right before the slow dance happens," Mr.Jurel added. I smiled and jumped up. "Thank you so much. We won't let you down," I said elated. I went back to my desk sitting with Eddie. "We get to sing," I whispered smiling ear to ear. "So, what song are we doing? You didn't answer me earlier." He asked. "Him and I by Halsey. Man, I love that song and it kind of reminded me of us," I told him. "Hey, I've heard of her. I dig her music," he added. Eddie stood up and grabbed my hands bringing me up with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me from behind, slowly dancing and humming the melody to the song him and I. "Im excited about this," I said as we continued to dance in a loud classroom. "So am I," Eddie put his cheek on mine. 

-The school day ended and you went home exhausted forgetting about the homework-

I flopped onto my bed and grunted a little moody from being tired. I heard a knock on your window. I turned your head sideways to find Eddie there. "Eddie!" I stood up immediately. I opened the window and let him in excited he was here. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I just thought you might want some company. It is 8pm and I didn't want you to be lonely. Especially because the situation with the parents," Eddie pointed his thumb to the door. Aww what a sweet thing for him to do. "I was just about to go to sleep. Im so tired from today." I moaned." I layed down on my bed above the blankets and stared at the wall. I felt Eddie get on my bed to and wrap his arms around me. I turned over to look at him in the face. "This is the first time you've cuddled me," I blushed. "I don't want you to be cold," Eddie added trying to not state the obvious. The lights were off and I slowly drifted off falling asleep in Eddie's warm soft arms. Our legs were tangled and his face was buried in my neck with our bodies up against each other. I was definitely warm. I was happy I finally didn't have to imagine doing this with a pillow. 

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