Chapter 4

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Jess's pov:-

I parked the jeep at the roadside and hopped off. Taking a deep breath i filled my lungs with the salty smell of the ocean. Morning was the best time to feel the ocean air, it tells you just how many night's secrets it's hiding.

So this is it, the town were our journey ends or maybe not.
I leaned on the stout wall my upper body supported by my elbows, the wind ruffled my hair making me relax a bit, closing my eyes i contemplated.
My thoughts never seem to cease, Ash is always complaining that i ruin the mood with too much thinking.
Well what does he know being the mutt he is, always leaping without looking.
Dominic knew better than to challenge my thoughts, so many victories came from this mind alone.

I sighed and looked at the gulls circling the lighthouse, i haven't stepped in one in a long time, its been ages, not after him.
He was the only one who could make my mind rest and forget everything. He gave my soul the peace it craves. Sometimes I think my head would explode one day killing me in the process, even the elder had warned me, if i don't let it rest I wont last much longer.
No one knows that i haven't slept since that fateful day. Everytime i close my eyes i relive those events one by one like a chain reaction but now hopefully I shall find some peace. Hopefully!
Giving the ocean one last look, i know i will be back maybe tonight.
I hopped back onto the jeep a drove to the café i was going to meet Dom and Ash.

Caleb's pov:-


I pressed the pillow harder over my head. Someone snatched the pillow away, that someone being Todd.
I glared at him then slammed my hand on the clock shutting it, i frowned looking at the time 5:45 am!
"Why the fuck did it go off so early!?"
"I changed the setting." I looked at Todd like he had grown two heads.
"Why!!" I croaked.
"Because i was worried." I raised a brow so he explained. "Last night you came in, all dazed and drunk, by the looks of it you hadn't eaten anything since lunch.
You passed out near your bed i had to undress you and tuck you in!"
My eyes were wide hearing him, now when i think about it i don't remember much of anything after paying the Uber driver.
I felt guilty about troubling Todd like that, I lowered my head "I'm sorry Todd...I" he cut me off.
"No need to apologize or thank me, you would have done the same for me, now go freshen up then we will head to the dinning room and you can tell me everything about last night."
I chuckled at his authoritative tone, anyone else i would have challenged them but i know Todd treats me like a brother. Long ago we had pledged our brotherhood, we were a family to each other.
I did my morning rituals sleepily pushing thoughts of yesterday out of my head for now, showered and dressed now i felt much like myself.
I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Todd waiting for me while he passed time cleaning his glasses. It made me smile I am grateful to have a caring friend like him.
I quickly fixed my bed and picked up my backpack.
"Lets go I'm famished" Todd complained walking out the door while i checked my phone following him out of the room.
There were 30 missed calls and four text from Milo and 1 text from unknown number.
I pocketed my phone I'll reply later.

Todd was looking at me waiting for me to start explaining about last night. I did but i left out the part about taking a drink from a stranger.
Todd would just flip and start an hour long lecture about trusting strangers.
After i finished i waited for him to give me a talk.
But he quietly stared at me shock writen all his face.
"T..Todd.." it was rare rather impossible to shock Todd.
He snapped out of it and had a scowl on his face "That fucking bastard!! I'll report his stalker ass to the principal and the students council."

Todd was raging towards the dinning room sprouting profanities.
I chased after him..
"WAIT!! Todd! You can't everyone in school will know about me being gay then! ...You can't please.." he saw my panicked look and sighed.
"Ok..i won't report him ..but! i won't let this go, I will castrate the asshole!" With that he entered the dinning room.
I rolled my eyes and followed him.

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