chapter 8

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Caleb's pov:-

I left the office burdened, my heart and mind were in battle.
They don't seem the way they are told about by mr. Lewis but what do I know. I haven't spent much time with them to be judgmental.
I went up to my room showered and changed into my sweatpants and tshirt.
I headed downstairs for dinner I wasn't in a very social mood so I picked a seat away from my friends. Todd was looking at me from far, I knew he will have many questions tonight but for now I just want peace.

After dinner I was heading to my room,  Todd always went to the library after dinner to do his homework so I plan to listen to some music.

I got out of the elevator and nearly bumped into the 10th grader Annie and her friends, her room was down the hall. "Hey Caleb, wanna join us? We are going to play an interesting game."
"..I don't want to"
"Come on it will be fun." Everyone chimed in.
They pulled me along with them to her room. Ugh! why me!

I was taken by surprise when I entered the room, the lights were off and the place was lit up by candles.
"What's going on here?" Annie shut the door and looked at me "your not scared are you Caleb?" She had a smirk.
Um..yes I am! Duh.. that's what I want to say but instead "No."

Everyone sat down on the floor and Annie drew a circle around us and sat next to me, there were three candles positioned in a triangle.
" much as I like this scary gothic look.. I am trying to figure this out but I still keep wondering what are we doing?"
"We are calling the spirits of the past."
Ben filled in
"Excuse me!?" I yelped.
"Yeah, we are calling on the spirits of this castle to tell us secrets or answer our questions whichever they agree upon." Annie added while I looked at her in disbelief.
She pulled out a board with alphabets and numbers on it. There were also some kind symbols drawn on it.
"What's this" I asked. "Its a ouija board it will allow us to communicate with the spirits."
I gulped "what have you been reading these days Annie."
"Oh nothing much just a few books on seances and witch craft."
I nodded, man this was starting to get creepy.
"Now everyone put an object dearest to you in the triangle"  saying that Annie put her bracelet, Ben and Cindy put there pens. Dennis put his comb, Aria put her watch, Trish put her bra! We all looked at her in shock.
"So it's my favorite one." I rolled my eyes.
"Cal your turn." Dennis nudged me.
I thought for a moment then shrugged what could I lose, I pulled out my chain and pendent and put it in the triangle.

"Now we all hold hands and call the spirits. What ever happens we don't have to freak out."
I snorted inwardly as if any of this could be true..ofcourse I am creeped out with this scenario and Annie's obsession but come on, how much of this can be true.
I held Annie and Dennis's hands, Annie started calling the spirits.
Trish was giving me seductive smiles then winked at me, I looked away not wanting her to think I'm interested.

My mind drifted to other things, everyone here knew what happened to me at school. Thats why everyone pretended not to notice my bruises and act normal.

A collective gasp brought me out of my thoughts. The candles suddenly flared and Annie excitedly squeezed my hand but i was frowning wondering if it was just a gust of wind.
"Is someone here?" Annie asked.
We all looked at the board nothing happened the coin remained motionless.
"Is there a spirit here in this room." She asked firmly, as much as i admired her conviction but also felt bad that she is going to be disappointed.

Thats when it happened the coin moved...It actually moved!!
Annie again repeated her question.
The coin moved spelling out.
Y E S.
Annie looked at me and grinned while i along with others had lost color.
"Did you live here before?" Annie popped another question.
The coin moved.
Y E S.
"Are you a man or woman."
W O M A N.

"What is your name."
S A M A R A.

"Do you have a message from beyond for someone here?"
Y E S.
My heart gave a loud thud, I wasn't liking this.

"For whom?"

We all looked confused.
"Who is Lucien."
M Y... S O N

"Your son isn't here with us."
H E ..IS..H E R E.

We all looked at each other more confused.
"Can you gives us some clue to his identity"
N O R T H S T A R.. L I O N

My eyes widened that's the symbol on my pendant my heart started hammering.

"What's your message Samara?"
F I N D..S O U L K E E P E R..

"Who is he in danger from? Where do we find soulkeeper?." Annie asked desperately. I was frozen, it was like i was watching a movie waiting for the climax with baited breath.

There was nothing.
"Who is trying to hurt your son? please tell us."

H I S ..F A T H E R

Everyone gasped, the candles flickered violently, the windows barged open blowing out the candles except the ones  in the circle. Someone screamed.
The coin moved faster over the board Cindy started reading quickly.
"Caliso get out of castle"
As soon as she said that the board flipped.
I picked up the pendant and ran out of the room. I headed into the west tower coming out onto the parapet, I moved the block of stone and opened the trap door I got in and shut the door. No one knew of this door except me and Todd.
I got the rope we had long ago tied here while playing and slid down two storey high circular staircase.
Landing on the ground my hands stinging from the friction.
I immediately grabbed my dusty bicycle and hopped on it and paddled going deeper into the long tunnel which opens out towards the lake.
The only thing on my mind was the last message..
The only person who called me Caliso was Theo!
Is he dead!?
The though twisted my heart painfully.
I don't know what this meant but one thing was for sure this was all too real to be denied..

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