chapter 26

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Lucien's pov:-

I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands covering my face. How could he do that! My heart was shattering and breaking.
I crawled into my bed and sobbed more.
After an hour the windows and the room went back to normal but I didn't care. I was too distraught to even pay attention when my window slowly opened and someone sneaked into the room.
The bed dipped and scent of musk filled the air. A pair of arms pulled me from behind into a strong chest. My body stiffened for a moment then relaxed,
I could feel Jess's breath on my neck.

We lay there in comfortable silence.
"Jess why did you come here, it's reckless."
He hugged me tightly "I can handle anything if I can be close to you."
I tear up, my heart swelling at his words.
I felt his lips on my jaw placing tiny kisses all the way to my lips.
My heart soared, all my worries forgotten by the pleasure of being in my beloved mate's arms.

After our make out session I insisted he leave before someone caught him.
It took a lot of convincing to finally see him leave.
I smiled to myself hugging my arms standing by the window he just left through.
There was a knock at my door, I know it  is Dominic his scent proceeds him.
"Come in" .....

Dominic's pov:-

I felt like running away when I heard his voice, steeling myself for an expected outburst of anger which was nothing new to me.
I've had these with Daniel so many times that I stopped confronting him to avoid the drama.

Sighing.. this time I have to face my mate, the door opened revealing him standing by the window.
His alluring scent captivated me but another scent was there too.
So the little warlock brat was here earlier.
I cleared my throat and waited for either an object to fly towards me or the shouting.

Five minutes and he was still silent.
What should I do now I searched my mind for plausible answers.
I reluctantly approached him, with his back towards me I couldn't see his face but I could sense the tension.
"I apologize for behaving obnoxiously and locking you in here." I gulped nervously.
And to my surprise he burst out laughing. I stood shell shocked watching him laugh.

He calm down to chuckles and wiped his eyes.
"I accept your apology and I was very distraught from the way you treated me." Now tears filled his eyes.
Without thinking I gathered him in my arms and kissed the top of his head.
"I'm so sorry my l..." I bit my lip before I could utter the word love. I can't confess until I sort out my mess with Daniel.
"I won't do it again." I know my rage had come from jealousy.
"Promisse me." He said in a weak uncertain voice.
A smile crept to my lips, he is so adorable so unlike others. "I promise."
"and promise you will give Jess a chance. I love him."
My heart ached hearing that I wanted him to say that of me. Sighing heavily I agreed.
"But I am curious to why were you laughing before." I could feel his smile.
"You sounded like you were apologizing  after stealing cookies." I grunted.

"You know as much as I like this position but there is someone eagerly waiting for you outside." I chuckled at his confused look.
Right on que, Elijah opened the door and the wolf ran inside tackling Lucien to the ground.
Lucien squealed and hugged the mutt.
"Oh Ash... I missed you so much. Did the doctor treat you right." The wolf whined.
I smiled at seeing him happy and left them heading to my study.

Ashton's pov:-

Lucien's voice drifted to my ears as I frantically looked for a place to hide.
We were outside most of the day playing unless annoying Jess paid him a visit, which was almost every day.

The castle was filled with guests arriving every day, Lucien was uneasy around so many people, so he started sneaking out with me in tow. We'd spend most of the day in the forest then go inside when its time for dinner.

My eyes darting from left to right, searching for the best hiding place I could find while he counted.
'Man, I wish I was like Lucien so I could hide easier. He always finds me.'

"Ready or not here I come"
My head snapped up at the words and I darted off to hide in the thickened brush. The tree lines were thick by the edge of the meadow.
'Hahaha this is perfect, I won’t be seen this time!'
jumping into a thick bush of a shrub. My paws smacked down on the softened forest floor almost soundlessly. I crouched down and waited patiently. Keeping an eye out for young master as I awaited his arrival.

Meanwhile Lucien:-

After few minutes of searching brought a frown to his face. Ash was always easy to find but its been nearly 15 minutes and there was no sign of him. Did he get hurt?  Lucien's heart started hammering.
He frantically looked around, what if something happen to him.. what if he lost him forever. He was almost in tears as he  headed towards the thick bush in his search.
"Ash!! Ash!!"

Back to Ash pov:-

I had a vigilant eye on him until I fell asleep. I had no thought of how much time had past. I shot up from the bush out in fright when I heard my name being yelled.
'wha, what! What happened! Where..'
My eyes met his as I fell backwards to the ground.
An eerie sound produced when my body landed heavily.
'Creeek, crumble, crack.'
My heart dropped as I fell through the ground and into a deep hole.
So dark and scary, I let out a whimper as I shivered my back against the wall in the hole which is bigger than a cave.

'Lucien! Where am I! It’s scary down here! Please help me, please master, Luciennnn! Please! They’re things down here! They.... saw me.' Red eyes stared at me.
I started growling at them as they motioned closer to me.

Suddenly Lucien fell through and landed in front me.
"Oww!" He groaned rubbing his backside. "This deeper than I thought, whoa! What are these!?." He immediately stood up as the red eyes moved to him and shone brighter.
I whimpered in fear, he held up his hand and a bright light lit up the place making the demons run back into the dark areas of the cave.

"Come on Ash!" Lucien shifted his wings spread out majestically one white one one black. I hoped into his arms, his eyes glowed like blue jewels.
He looked so beautiful my heart beat was out of control.
He shot up like an eagle with blinding speed and we landed on the castle grounds.
He shifted back and we went into the castle after Lucien informed the petrol about the ditch filled with demons.
As we walked through the hallway I began to sense malice.
I growled slowly there was someone watching us. Just as I thought that Daniel stepped out of the shadows.

"Well well well..look what the cat dragged in. Such filth can only be expected to be seen only on you." His was pricklingly sweet. I growled and stepped forward but Lucien stopped me.
He ignored him and started to walk away when Daniel stood in his way with a disgusted look on his face.
"I warn you child keep your talons out of Dominic or you'll answer to me." He hissed glaring at Lucien.
"I answer to NO ONE...father!" Lucien spat out and side stepped a dumb struck Daniel.

After going into the room he started laughing. "Ash did you see the look on his face." He said while stripping out of his messed up clothes.
"I hope he leaves me alone from now on, he has just been a nuisance since the day he has arrived." He grumbled while cleaning me with a wet cloth.
"I don't think I want to go down for dinner tonight, lets eat here and sleep." I wagged my tail happily.

Later that night I was in bed with Lucien when I started feeling uncomfortable heat spreading through my body.
Dreams filled my head, of a man, who is this man? He was so handsome. Tanned skin, light hair and jade eyes. My eyes furrowed at the man in the dream being so close with Lucien. I hated anyone touching him, it even pissed me off when Jess would get all touchy with him.

Hearing a scream from Lucien, I jumped from bed half awake, looking about with wide eyes.
"What’s wrong?" a deep voice filled the room, one I had only ever heard in my own head. Looking about in confusion as I realized I wasn’t on all fours. My body cold from the furless skin upon my body. Looking down, my eyes widen at the vision before me.

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