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Day One

"Okay last year, right around the time Kurt came back to McKinley, we did a little number... Born This Way." The choir room cheered with hollers and clapping, before Mr. Schue continued, "This year I want to continue with the idea of accepting yourself, this time focusing on insecurities. Now I have a paper and a pen for each of you." He passed them around the room. "I want you all to write down your biggest insecurity, it doesn't have to be about how you look, or anything in particular. Whatever it is, your biggest insecurity that has been in your life so far, write it down and put it in the box by the door." He paused for a moment, motioning towards the door at the box as some of the students were already writing on their papers.

"Tomorrow, I added an hour to our glee meeting, we're going to open the box and discuss them, anonymously of course, and at the end of the week we will perform "Human" by Christina Perri. Now any questions." He finished with a clap.

"So no one will know who wrote what?" Blaine spoke up, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"No, not if you don't want anyone to. If you do wish to come forward and accept our support you can, but I'm not forcing anyone to confirm or deny what you wrote down." Mr. Schue answered, then spoke again. "And I will try my best not to match handwriting, to keep your guys' privacy." He assured the class.

"Okay," Blaine replied before glancing at Kurt sitting next to him with his gaze down. Then the bell rang and everyone gathered their things and walked out of the room, placing their papers in the box on their way out.

Mr. Schue was collecting his papers and moving around the piano, when he noticed someone hadn't left the room yet.

"Sam? You okay?" He asked softly to the boy staring down at the paper he had written on. Sam looked up, slightly shocked like he had just come out of a trance.

"Yeah, Yeah. I was just... thinking." He grabbed his bag and rushed out the door, hesitating before slipping his paper in the box along with the others, and practically ran down the hall towards the parking lot.

Mr. Schue gave a sigh to the empty room and walked to the door. He stopped and added a paper to the box himself before leaving the school to prepare for tomorrow.

Quinn was in her car, phone pressed to her ear, as she drove to her friend's house.

"I-I don't know why I wrote it. Oh God, now everyone is gonna know." The voice came in a rushed tone over the cell.

"Shh, there's nothing wrong with them knowing. Besides it is anonymous, I doubt anyone will-" She cut herself off at the sound of heavy ragged breathing, then pressed on the gas pedal.

"Hey, hey." She said in a calm voice. "Breathe okay, come on." She took a deep breath and let it out as the girl on the other phone followed.

She pulled up into the driveway and ran inside the house straight to the bedroom of one of her best friends.

Both boys were sitting on Blaine's bed reading the latest Vogue issue, when Blaine felt the need to say something.

"I wrote it down…" He broke the silence, his voice sad and quiet. He didn't need to say what he was talking about, they practically knew everything about each other, they could read each other's mind.

"I'm proud of you B." Kurt comforted, giving his boyfriend a side hug as he flipped the page of their magazine.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what about you?" Blaine asked sweetly. Kurt's breath caught, all he did was shake his head yes.

"Okay, that's okay." He soothed with a rub to his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine dipped his head to look in Kurt's eyes, now focused on his hands in his lap.

Kurt shook his head again, this time a no, and they went back to their magazine. Both with a few tears in their eyes.

Kurt walked into the kitchen his head down  as he grabbed some food from the fridge.

"Hey, Kiddo! How was school?" His father, Burt Hummel, asked hoping for an answer, usually Kurt just shrugged or nodded.

"F-fine" Kurt breathed out, wishing to forget about school for five minutes.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" Burt insisted once he saw tears forming in his eyes. He didn't want things to get bad for Kurt again, he was scared after what happened before or what still could happen.

Kurt looked up at his dad and the flood gates opened. Burt almost ran across the room to comfort his son, who was now hypoventilating through his tears.

Burt waited a while before asking again what had happened. Then Kurt told him what had happened in glee club, and what he decided to write down.

Burt called Mr. Schue.

Sam stood in front of his mirror, attempting to hype himself up for what he is about to do. He spent so long trying to bury his feelings, he even lies about it. He hopes everything is still the same afterwards.

He took a long deep breath and let it out, focused on what he wanted to say and made his way down stairs.

He opened the kitchen door to find his mother cleaning the dishes from their dinner just moments ago, and his father was sitting at the counter reading a news article. His mom looked over and spotted him first.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? You look a little pale." She asked, concerned. Sam took a moment to wonder if that was that last time he'd hear her voice with so much love.

"Mom, D-Dad, can I talk to you about something?"


A/N helloo, so this idea was inspired by a fanfic I read a while ago, (I can't remember the name for the life of me.) That being said this is kinda like a Born This Way 2.0 if you will. Please forgive me if, throughout the parts/chapters, there is any mess ups or inconsistencies, this is my first fanfic that is not a oneshot. But all in all I hope you enjoy, please leave comments if you can, any suggestions for other books would be nice.


-lynx 🦋

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