Rough Start

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Day Two

"Okay, everyone come, form a circle." Mr. Schue greeted as he sat down on the floor, with the box from the day before. "I'm gonna skip over the 'How was everyone's day,' because I'm sure all of your nerves have been rattling and you all want to get this over with. So before we start, is everyone here?" Mr. Schue spoke, as the class all sat in a circle in the center of the choir room.

"Yeah, I think so." Artie assumed, looking around the room.

"Kurt's not here Mr. Schue. He went to the bathroom, can I go find him?" Blaine asked, sounding worried.

"Yes, of course Blaine. We'll wait for you guys." Mr. Schue nodded, knowingly, and Blaine sped out of the room. When Mr. Schue had gotten a call from Kurt's father,he quickly grew worried about the boy, he knew he'd been through a lot. Mr. Hummel wouldn't say what Kurt wrote down, only that Mr. Schue would know when he read it, and to please don't push his boy.

"Kurt?" Blaine entered the french classroom, knowing, other than the choir room, that it was where he went to be alone.

He was met with the sight of his boyfriend curled into a ball beneath the window. When Kurt looked up his eyes were watery and his nose was rubbed raw.

"Oh, Baby. C'mere." Blaine dropped to Kurt's side and engulfed him in a hug. Kurt grabbed the back of Blaine's shirt and sniffed, not wanting to cry again.

They pulled away after a beat, Blaine wiped at Kurt's salty staind cheeks.

"Everyone is waiting for us back in the choir room. Let's head to the bathroom and clean up your face on our way, m'kay?" Blaine offered a hand as he stood. With a nod Kurt took his hand and regained control of himself. Putting his mask in place before standing before his friends.

About three minutes later Blaine came back, bringing along Kurt, who looked less than okay as Blaine held him by the shoulders.

"Okay, perfect. Now, before we start a want you all to know that you are loved and welcomed here no matter what. I can't imagine any of you bringing each other down. So, as uncomfortable as this may be, know that we all support you." Mr. Schue explained as he opened the box.

"Also," He looked up, "None of this leaves this room. Unless said by the person who wrote it that it's okay. I don't want any rumors spread around, we all know how that goes." He added firmly. Then Mr. Schue reached into the box and pulled out a paper.

"This is a good one to start off with 'I'm selfish…" He paused. "Well it's perfectly fine to be selfish sometimes and it's good that you've recognized it so you can work on it." Mr. Schue tried to be understanding.

"Mr. Schue, we all know who wrote that and believe me they're selfish all the time." Puck spoke up.

"Puck we're not making assumptions about who wrote what, even if it may look obvious." He corrected the boy. "You don't know everything about everyone in the room."

cough-"Rachel"-cough, Santana covered up, not so secretly.

"Hey, I didn't write that down." Rachel protested.

"And how do we know that?" Santana quipped back.

"Guys!" Mr. Schue raised his voice. "Stop it right now! Puck, Santana, that was uncalled for. If you guys can't do this nicely, there will be consequences." Both students huffed in annoyance.

"Now moving on," he grabbed another note, "'My father abandoned me.' I-" Mr. Schue was cut off.

"That one's mine. You can just read the next one." Puck spat quickly.

"Do you want to talk about him?" Mr. Schue questioned, a little confused at the boys forthcoming.

"No. He left me and my mom and I hate him. Nothing else to it." Puck insisted, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay then, well we're here if you need us." Mr. Schue decided not to push the boy as he reached back into the box. "I don't want to be forgotten about." He opened the third paper.

The room was more serious now, everyone listening to what the notes had to say: 'My appearance', 'I'm broken', 'I'm in love'. After each note they talked as a group and began wanting to help one another as the class learned more and more about their friends' lives.


A/N So just to clarify, this book isn't going to be that long and it's not going to be extremely detailed, I just wanted to write a quick story of which I enjoy the concept of. And yes, this fic is very Klaine/Kurt focused (shh, we all have our favorites)


-lynx 🦋

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