Thank You

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Day Three (continued)

"Okay let's move on."

Once again Mr. Schue took a paper from the box and read it out loud.

"This one I think we can all relate to in one way or another, 'I'll never be enough'. Now everyone in this room is enough, I want you all to know that."

"It's kinda hard to feel like we're enough when you always give solos to the same people" Puck spoke up.

"I agree, it kinda makes us feel like we suck." Mercedes said softly.

"Yeah, maybe some other people want the spotlight sometimes. Maybe I want a solo." Tina snapped. Well now everyone knows who wrote down that they're selfish.

"Sorry." Tina apologized and looked down to her lap.

"Is that really how you all feel?" Mr. Schue asked his class. He received nods throughout the room. Rachel shrunk in on herself, knowing she was the soloist they were all talking about, along with Finn who got most of the male leads. Kurt and Blaine were holding hands, in their own little world, Kurt with his head bowed and Blaine shaking his head slightly.

"That's not what I meant," Mike spoke, an angry undertone to his voice that seemed to disappear as quickly as it arrived. "I meant that I feel like I'll never be enough for the people in my life."

"Why do you feel that way Mike?" Mr. Schue asked and Mike met his gaze with a sigh.

"My parents push me… a lot. They want me to go to Harvard." He puffed out a laugh, "They want me to be some lawyer or surgeon, but I just want to dance. My mom knows, and she's been trying to talk to my dad. He just doesn't understand."

"Well, if you need another person to vouch for you, I'll be glad to talk to your father. Your talented Mike. You deserve to do what you want with your life. And your more than enough." Mr. Schue paused for a beat. "You all are."

"Thank you Mr. Schue, I'll talk more to my mom about it." Mike smiled, as the rest of the class nodded, hoping Mr. Schue will now even out his teaching.

"Okay, last one for the day… 'I have anxiety'," Mr. Schue started, and the room fell silent once again. "Well, anxiety can be a tough thing. Something a lot of people deal with. It's nothing to be insecure about, it's who you are. And we all-" and there was that damned bell again. The kids started standing and grabbing their things.

"Okay, um, we'll finish these notes tomorrow and then start working on our 'Human' number. I'll see you all tomorrow." Mr. Schue dismissed class and walked to his office, but not before seeing someone basically run out of the room

Santana was the first out the choir room door, she ran out of the school and towards the bleachers as she felt the familiar tightness in her chest rise. She collapsed against the cold beams holding up the metal seating. Pulling her knees to her chest, her elbows resting on top, and resting her head in her hands. Her breath became rough and ragged. She shut her eyes tight as if blocking out the world.

She felt a hand on her back and a body beside her. Without looking up she knew who it was, she was always there. There with her annoying motherlike nature and soft voice trying to calm her down.

It took a little over ten minutes for her to calm down, she looked up and met Quinn's gaze.

"T-Thank you," Santana whispered, suddenly tired from her attack.

"Of course San, I'll always be here for you. There is no need to thank me." Quinn said quietly, moving to stand up, sticking out a hand to help her friend stand up.

Santana gave a weak smile, hating feeling like a useless sack of emotions. Standing up and leaning most of her weight on Quinn's shoulder. They went to Quinn's car, she drove Santana that morning so she needed a ride home anyway.

"Can I come over for a while?" Santana started, once they climbed in the car. "If I go home right now my mom is gonna freak out and give me tea and shit and talk to me and I just want to sleep and not deal with that an-" Quinn cut her off by grabbing her hand.

"San, your rambling again. Yes you can come over, you know that you're always welcome." Quinn said softly as she started driving towards her house. "I'll text Britt to meet us there, then she can take you home later."

"Thank you." She curled in on herself, looking out the window for a distraction.

Back in the choir room Kurt and Blaine sat holding hands as they watched the rest of the class leave the room.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm great actually. I expected that to be much harder and for there to be a lot more questions." Blaine replied just as quiet.

"Okay, as long as you're okay, I'm okay." Kurt said, quite rushed.

"Kurt, don't lie to me." Blaine shifted in his seat, closer to his boyfriend.

"Sorry, I just really don't want Mr. Schue to read my paper. I know my dad called him and everything, but still he's gonna know and I mean what if he does read my paper. I don't even think about it anymore. You're the only person from glee that knows, everyone else just thinks I went on vacation for a month. My dad, Carole and Finn know, but that's different. I just don't know if I'm ready to talk about it to someone and why are we even doing this lesson in the first place and why is Mr. Schuester teaching it. Shouldn't these conversations be done with someone like, I don't know, Ms. Pills-" he was cut off by Blaine holding a finger to his mouth.

"Kurt, he's not going to read it out loud. And you don't have to tell him anything if you don't want to. And while I do agree that Mr. Schue is not really the right teacher for this lesson, remember, Ms. Pillsbury already does know and I'm sure you can schedule to talk to her at any time. I'll even go with you if you want." Blaine assured him, his voice soft and comforting.

"I know," He said with a nod, "Thank you Blaine." And with that they stood and walked to Kurt's car.


A/N okay, I'll be back tm. I hope this story is good idk.


-lynx 🦋

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