I'm Okay

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Day Three

"Good afternoon guys, how was everyone's morning?" Mr. Schue started class. He got a chorus of replies, each one different as all the kids talked at once.

"Nerve wracking," Sounded Finn.

"Fine…" Kurt mumbled next to Blanie, who just nodded.

"Exhausting," Tina spoke up.

"Just Peachy," Santana snapped.

"Great!" Rachel, of course.

"It was okay." A few others said in unison.

"Really good actually." Sam said smiling. He seemed to be the only one Mr. Schue could hear.

"That's great Sam, and everyone else too." Half the class rolled their eyes, Kurt's being the most prominent.

"Well let's get started. We don't have an extra hour today so we don't have as much time." The class just answered with a round of head nods as Mr. Schue picked up the first note.

"'I'm a failure,'" He read aloud once he unfolded the paper, "I'll be honest, this one is mine." He added after a beat.

"Mr. Schue, why would you feel that way?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah Mr. Schue you're like the best teacher ever." Finn spoke up, followed by the rest of the class hopping in and agreeing.

"Well thank you guys, that means a lot. But I didn't always want to be a teacher." He paused for a moment. "I wanted to be on Broadway, to be a performer." A slight smile spread across his face. "I never got to do that." He finished.

"But Mr. Schuester, if you went on Broadway you wouldn't be our teacher." Rachel voiced.

"There wouldn't be a Glee club." Sugar seconded.

"We wouldn't be friends." Finn revealed.

"We wouldn't be here." Kurt said quietly and no seemed to have heard him. Blaine, who sat next to him, knew he meant something else.

"You know what, you guys are right. I'm glad I never made it there, cause then I wouldn't be here, with all of you." Mr. Schue decided, his eyes getting a little watery. "Okay next one…" He paused when he read the next note, hesitating before saying it aloud.

"My father is abusive," a few shocked sounds sounded throughout the room, "Now before anything is said, I want whoever wrote this down to know that it is my job to go to the proper authorities if this is still happening." Mr. Schue said very clearly.

The room went silent.

"It-Its not." A small voice from the back of the room sounded. The room turned their heads to see Blaine, looking at the ground, holding Kurt's hand for support as his knee bounced up and down.

"My parents got d-divorced in March of last year, I live with just my mom now." He spoke again, voice quiet and full of emotion.

"Why didn't we know about any of this?" Rachel questioned.

"I was at Dalton when it was all happening," he shrugged, "and not even everyone there knew. I mean I told Kurt of course, and some of my friends found out when I came back from visiting my parents, so they know, but that's about all."

Almost Two Years Ago

Blaine was changing in his dorm room after taking a shower. He just got back from his parents house and trying to get out of there as soon as possible, he decided to just shower at Dalton.

"Blaine? What happened?" A voice came from behind him. He spun around quickly, it was his roommate, Jeff who spoke. But standing next to him was Trent, Blaine's best friend at the time, and Nick, Jeff's boyfriend.

Blaine panicked, turning around and throwing on a shirt as he spit out words faster than he could talk.

"I-I can explain, I was, uh, riding my bike and got in a b-bike accident. Yeah, I crashed my bike. Ya know, um, rocks." He looked back to his friends, who were now looking at him more concerned than before.

The boys knew Blaine was lying, Blaine doesn't stutter. They came up to Blaine and wrapped him in a hug, trying to be careful of the bruises they'd seen before he threw a shirt on.

Blaine broke down and told his friends about his dad.

A Year Ago

It was just a few days after their loss at regionals, Kurt and Blaine were sitting against their tree, the one where they buried Pavarotti.

"Kurt, um I need to tell you something." Blaine said, as he nervously played with Kurt's fingers.

"Okay," Kurt spoke, ready to listen to every word his boyfriend was about to say.

"Um… I," Blaine started, but failed. He looked up at Kurt for help, tears forming in his eyes.

"Hey... Blaine, you can tell me anything. I'm not going to judge you, you know that." Kurt grabbed his now trembling hands, kissing his knuckles in reassurance.

"Sorry, I just haven't talked about it in a while." Blaine admitted, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to talk about my parents."

Kurt's eyebrows shot up to his hairline, shocked. Blaine never wants to talk about his parents.

"Okay, I'm all ears." And with that Kurt listened.

He took a deep breath, "It's not something I like to share, obviously. I still don't, but I figured you guys should know."

"Blaine I'm so sorry." Finn placed a comforting hand on Blanie's knee.

"It's fine, it not your fault my dad hated having a gay son so much, he'd beat me unconscious and then sent me away after I got hospitalized by some assholes." Blaine said without thinking. He shook his head, "I am so sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that." He looked back at Finn as Kurt started rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"No sweat dude, I know." Finn reassured. To which Blaine smiled in return.

"Oh, Blainey Days." Tina stood up and quickly gave Blaine a hug, only sitting back down when Kurt physically pushed her away, when Blaine looked to him for help.

"We love you man." Sam patted his shoulder, Blaine nodded, silently thanking him.

"We do. And Blaine… we are here if you need us. Also I have to ask, are you okay?" Mr. Schue regained the focus of the room.

"Yeah I am, I really am, thank you Mr. Schue." He said smiling and squeezed Kurt's hand, eyes locked with his boyfriend. "I'm Okay" He promised once more.


A/N if it wasn't obvious, the italics are moments from the past, there will probably be more in the future. anyway... here you go day three, like last time I'll upload the second part tommorow.


-lynx 🦋

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