Chapter 4: Stop Looking At Me Like That

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Act 1: What's Him Name?

"I know this place"

Subaru said as he slowly opened his eyes. He kinda expected the twins to be there with their casual introduction, but it didn't take long for him to hear what looked like Rem stuttering, as if she was running out of breath.

He could also hear Ram alongside her, trying to cushion Rem in her discomfort, whilst beckoning with someone to stop. Subaru already knew who that person was.

"It's a fine day"

"People open windows"

"They leave their houses"

"Just for a short walk"

Subaru could hear him sing right next to him. He looked to his left and on the chair next to him, Mattin sat, singing.

"They walk by the grass"

"And they look at the grass"

"They look at the sky"

Mattin continued, but not out of good intention. Subaru noticed this when he looked up and saw that Mattin was staring directly at Rem's eyes. It was as if He stared directly into her soul, with his universal eye on.

Rem seemed very frightened by it, her eyes weirdly open as the poor girl couldn't even move.

"Please kind sir, let her go, I beg of you. I'll give you anything just don't harm her please."

Ram said quietly, her voice shaking, and her eyes about whirl with tears. Suddenly.


Subaru said.

"Don't. Please, just leave them alone"

Mattin looked back at Subaru, then looked back at Rem before signing and releasing her from his fear casting ability.


Martin said, and the twins immediately ran away from the room.

"Okay, get up man, you look like shit"

"Yeah no kidding"

Subaru said laughing

"I think I'm gonna rest for a while"

He continued.

"Oh really? And what about your tough guy 'Bernie Sanders' speech before the shift?"

Mattin asked.

"Well, I guess I was trying to be cool"

Mattin gave Subaru a disappointed

"You've got issues dude"

Mattin said monotonously.

"Well, then, do you want the god powers now, the offer's still on the table y'know"

"Nah, I'm good"

"Okay then, what do you want?"

"Well, I notice you mentioning a certain character known as the overseer, mind telling me his name?"

Mattin looks up to the sky, wondering

Emilia walked into the conversation that Subaru and Mattin were having. Mattin's watch began to vibrate, finally giving Mattin a reason to leave the two alone, as Sirius was calling him.

"I'll leave you two love birds to alone, for now, I have to go"

Mattin left the room, but before he could exit the door he stood at the exit and looked Beck at the two.

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