Chapter 5

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"So, I bet you have a lot of questions." I say, still barely believing that Shane is sitting right in front of me.

"Yes. Who took you? Why? We're you always here? Why are you in the FBI building?"

"When I was eighteen, I had just dropped you off a soccer. I came home, and two and a woman were standing there with guns pointed to dad and moms head. They told me that I have to get in their truck, make no sound, call no one, or they would kill you. So, I did as I was told. I heard two gunshots, and I knew mom and dad died. They told me they heard about my gift of knowledge, and need me to help them. We drove for a long time, and they explained what they needed me for. They needed me to be the brains of the operations, or killings, but they didn't tell me that. So, I was brought to Austin, Texas, where they would make me help them in killings. This went on for 8 years, and no one caught us. Until, the BAU came into town, and they forced me to run out and be the bait. I ended up telling them everything, and they ended up giving them everything. They caught them, and gave me the option to be apart of the BAU, or go to prison. Easy option."

"Wait, Wait,Wait, so you are a profiler right now, in the FBI? "

"Technically, I guess I am."

"Wait, so you are like," he laughs, "SSA Blair Skillman."

"Yes, and why is that so funny?"

"Because, my sister is now an agent. It's weird, I only just know you as B."

"Well, you better get used to it, because I bet I'm going to be sticking with it for a long time."

"So, why was I called here? They kept asking these questions like "Do you still live in Quantico?". Why would it matter if I still lived here?"

"Well, I have been kidnapped for a long time. So, I have no place to stay, and I start my job next week. They asked me if I had anyone to stay with, and I said you would probably let me stay with you. Which is why they asked, because if you lived in Paris, that would be quite the long drive to work, don't ya think?

He laughs for a moment before answering. "Oh gosh, your sense of humor has always been amazing. Of course you can stay with me. Fortunately, I have a two bedroom apartment, so I won't be having to sleep on my couch."

"Great, so, now that that's out of the way, I guess I move in."

"You don't have any clothes."

"Sure I do, you do remember that the people that took me also took my belongings. The police retrieved them from the place I was at."

"Well, perfect. Do you have a car so that I can go get you some blankets and stuff?"

"Yes, the FBI will lend me one."

"Okay, perfect. Please drive safe, B. Don't want to lose you again, okay?"

"Okay, I will. And you too."

"Now, go meet your team!"


I can't believe that Blair is joining our team. I mean, I'm thrilled, but the last time something like this happened was with Garcia. Blair seems nice, sweet, and smart. And she's so pretty too, something I feel like I get lost in her emerald eyes. I didn't even know that color of green was a possible eye color.

Does she even want to be on the team? She seemed so set on not being on the team, and prison was the only other option.

For some reason, I feel protective of her. I feel like I'm going to need to keep her safe, be with her.

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