Chapter 9

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"Where-where am I?" I choke out and I try to make out where I am. I blink and see a bright light, and make out everything around me. I'm in a nice park, and I feel the sun beating down on me. I look up and see clouds, and feel the summer air on me.

"Well, why don't you look at me sweetheart?" Christian says. I look at him and see him glowing beautifully in the sun, his hazel eyes glowing and an amazing smile plastered on his face.

"How are you here? You are in federal-" I start.

"Prison." He finishes. "Do you remember what happened?" He says. I shake my head. "You, being the generous girl you are, went back to help three kids about to be killed in a fire. However, you were able to get them all out safely, but you are suffering and struggling right now in a hospital nearby." He tells me, it all hitting me at once. The running, the blast, the darkness.

"So, am I in Heaven?" I ask, curious. He laughs.

"No, sweetheart. You are in a dream state right now, your physical body is very much unconscious, but your mental mind is incredibly awake."

I sigh. "How much longer will I have with you? I don't want to leave you." I sigh, grabbing his hand, starting to cry.

He wipes my tears away." Hey, no time for those. B, the world needs you. The world needs someone like you. I know you are holding onto a lot of trauma, and it is hurting you physically, but your stubborn self won't ask for help." I laugh as he caresses my cheek.

"They need you more." I mutter.

"No, no they need you. Your smarts," he points to my head, "your words" he pushes on my lips, "and your heart." He says putting his hand to my heart. I grab his hand.

"Can't I just stay with you for a little while?" I ask, giving him my best sad eyes, hoping for sympathy.

"Now, you know I would absolutely love to, but we both know you can't. One question before you go," he says, and I motion for him to ask, "who's the guy?"

"The guy? What guy?" I ask curiously.

"There is a man in your room. You've been gone for four days, and he has been the only one to stay there the entire time." He says, sighing. "Who is he?"

"This, guy I work with. His name is Spencer. Honestly, he probably is only there because he feels guilty for not helping me with the kids."

"But you'll forgive him." He says, searching my eyes for my next profile. "Why?"


I wake up to the light, and this time it isn't the sun. I try to open my eyes the best I can, and finally get them open. Spencer rushes up to get me. "Nurs-"

I reach slowly to put my finger to my lips. "Sp- Spence- Spencer, where am I?" I say, moaning as I turn to look at him.

"You are at the hospital. Don't worry, the team has been worrying. We caught the girl, she ended up being a student, just like you profiled." He says, looking at me proudly. "They had to go for another case, but Hotch let me stay behind to be with you."

I Shake my head. "You really, you really didn't have to do that. I forgive you. I do." I assure him.

He shakes his head. "Blair, that's not why I'm here. There's something about you that was always interesting and admiring from the beginning. Maybe it was your smarts that drew me in at first, but that night at the baseball fields," he laughs rubbing his neck nervously, ".. I saw you in a different sense. But, I'm not super good with my emotions, but I would love to get to know you, Blair. And when I found out that you were unconscious and barely surviving, I was scared I was never going to get the chance. Please, let me get the chance." He finishes, regret falling over his face.

"You could have just asked." I laugh and the doctor comes in.

"Hi, Blair Skillman. My name is Dr. Leah Anderson, and I'll be your doctor. You took a terrible blow to your head, which may cause multiple headaches that could cause you to have sensitivity to light, noise, etc." I notice Spencer wince next to me. "Your foot is broken, so you'll have to take at least 6 weeks off the field. Your wrists are sprained, which may hurt when you move them too much." That's why they hurt so much when I had to move my hand. "Other than that and trauma, you are normal. Now, could you rate the pain for me?" She asks.

"My wrists, seven. My foot, I'm not sure how that feels, so I'm giving it a three. My head, nine." I say, trying to focus on each part of body, moving on and on.

"That's good, it actually is. You are strong warrior, Blair. We weren't sure if you were going to make it. Your brother, Shane, has been notified, and he is on his way right now. He said he could not afford a flight, but wanted to see you right away."

"Classic Shane." Which earns me a laugh from the doctor.

"Since you seem to be doing fine, I'm going to leave you alone. I'll be back soon to check on you. Are you hungry? Tired? Thirsty?" She asks.

"Do you have ice I can have? Crushed ice?" I ask her.

"Yes, yes. I'll have them ready in a few minutes and brought up to you. Other than that," she pats my good leg, "stay strong, Blair." She sends me a sympathetic smile, and I return it with a thankful one.

She leaves the room and I turn to Spencer. "When do I get to go home?" I ask, silently wishing he doesn't know, but I know he does.

"I would say around 7-9 days, give or take. You took some pretty serious injuries, and we have to fly to get back home, which you need some physical ability to be able to do." He says.

I groan. "So that dates going to have to wait?" I ask, smirking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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