5; Wrong

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(Sorry I havent posted in a few months.)
(Fact #3.
Despite the fact I posted the first chapter/prologue on November 10, 2019, I actually started this the day before on November 9. I wrote Wrong that night and posted them. On November 12 I posted 4 chapters. I finally decided to rewrite this book on June 15th, 2020, and currently do not know when the book will be posted)

“Dream! You’re insane!” Ink laughed, throwing his hands up in the air before walking away from his friend. 
“He has only ever called you squid! When I went to help him, he called for you! That must mean something!” Dream smiled. Ink was flabbergasted for a moment, not knowing what to say in response. It took him nearly a minute to think of a response.
“I-it means nothing! He calls me Squid, but it’s an insult. He calls me it because I puke up ink, like a squid, whenever I get too overwhelmed.” Ink scoffed.
“Well maybe under normal circumstances but he said Squid like you were the only light in a world of pure darkness.” Dream teased and Ink groaned.
“He wasn’t feeling good, he was unwell and hurt! That’s the whole reason you brought him here!” He snarled and turned away from Dream. He could feel strange emotions filling his system and it made him feel like throwing up. He had no control and no way to stop it.
“Well, that makes it even more poetic. He so likes you!” Dream laughed and suddenly Ink turned on him?
“WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!?” Ink snapped, pulling at his arms to avoid full-blown snapping.
“Hey! Both of you, quiet down!” Dream and Ink looked up at Blue who was standing at the top of the stairs, angry as he yelled at them.
“Error. Is. Asleep. If you had any common sense you’d stay quiet.” This was a side of blue neither of them had seen before, pissed at a new level. It sorta scared them.
For a few moments Ink and Dream sat, completely silent before Ink doubled over and threw up ink over the only sofa in the entire house. Immediately Dream glared at Ink and the usually colorful guardian moved to curl up a bit, moving to a crouch and hugging his knees.
“Seriously Ink! Come on,” Dream huffed as he moved to try and clean the couch. He barely noticed how empty Ink seemed as the guardian wiped away a drop of ink from his mouth.
“S-sorry…” Ink whispered as if he was a child just scolded as he curled up more, slowly reaching for a vial of calming pain. He tipped the tube up and drank it empty, far too much but he didn’t care. He let his body tip over onto his side as the calming waves of emotion washed over him.
Dream looked over at Ink after a moment and sighed. He grabbed a blanket and covered Ink with it.
“I’m sorry for snapping.” He whispered before moving to get cleaning materials. Ink sighed.
“It’s not your fault… it’s just… even if he did, I can’t love him back. I’m soulless. My only job is to protect the AUs and make sure they follow their story. He’s my enemy and that’s our story. We can’t change it.” Ink whispered.
“Oh Ink…” Dream began to clean the couch.
“We’ve discussed this. Just because you’re soulless doesn’t mean you can’t feel some things, that you can’t love. You aren’t just some blank guardian. You’re my friend.” Dream whispered. Once the couch was clean he moved to lay beside Ink.
“It just feels so wrong Dream… everything feels so wrong…” Ink whimpered. Despite taking no extra blue paint, his blue paint was draining and his eye lights were both blue teardrops. Dream sighed more. He hated when Ink got like this. Neither of them were the super bright and perky people they showed to the world but Dream didn’t like to think how depressed Ink truly was.
“I know… but I’ll try to make everything right again.” Dream whispered. Ink looked up and just sighed. 
“What if he does, Dream? What if he does love me?” He asked.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…” Dream closed his eyes. He hated how sad his friend was.
“But what if? What if he loves me? What if I love him? Dream… he’s… he’s Error.” Ink panicked and Dream moved to hug his friend.
“Just… just stop worrying okay? Everything will be fine, even if it seems wrong right now.” 


“Well? What are we supposed to do?” Someone asked, their eyes changing shapes.
“She doesn’t have a way to see this world anymore, not unless someone lets her in.” A half-blind skeleton explained.
“Well it doesn’t matter anyway, so what if she doesn’t have an index of the different multiverse’s we guard, she’ll still kidnap dark sans. She’ll still destroy those worlds.” An angry skeleton snapped, glitching violently. 
“I’ll take care of her. She’s from my world. She’s my responsibility.” The half-blind one insisted.
“Well if ‘he’ was here then maybe things would be different. He did things no error had ever done before.” Someone hissed and suddenly everyone was quiet, looking towards a sadly smiling Ink.
“He left to protect our world from her because our home was unstable… don’t give me that sad look. I’m fine.”
“Nothing has been fine for a long time. Not with ‘him’ gone. Not with her on the loose… I mean… he’s the reason the Summit became the council, he’s the reason things changed.” Some sad Ink whispered.
“And she’s the reason he had to go into hiding. We need to defeat her so he can go home finally.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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