4; Blame

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(Fact #2.
You all probably know [cause I’ve mentioned it before] but the original prologue for the old version of Faking the Fall was written in a movie theater while I waited for the previews to start. 
What you probably didn’t know is that my original idea with the title was that Error was gonna think he fell for Ink but he would end up leaving Ink. 
My brain just kinda got ahead of myself and Faking the Fall became what it is.)

“Oh… come in.” Nightmare stepped back to allow Error in but smiled a bit when his guest only stumbled a bit before falling over.
“Help?” Error grumbled and Nightmare rolled his eye light. He walked over and helped Error up, turning towards the staircase to help him up and towards his office.

Error leaned his head on Nightmares desk which had been in front of him as soon as he sat down. This headache had quickly morphed into a migraine that seemed to overwhelm every sense he had.
“You okay there Error? You seem a bit… disoriented.” Nightmare hummed, leaning forward in his desk chair, folding his hands together. His elbows rested on his desk and his hands sat under his chin as he leaned on them.
“Nooo. You asshole. Why else do you think I needed you to help me up the stairs?” Error snarled. He glanced up at Nightmare for a moment, his glare cold. Nightmare just smirked.
“So how much do you remember?” He asked, leaning backward. Error looked up at Nightmare for a moment before groaning.
“Not everything. Not even a lot. It seems like all I remember are the worst bits.” Error whispered.
“Wow. That must be a lot. For me, the worst bits include everything,” Nightmare laughed and Error balled his fists.
“Just shut up Nightmare. No one wants to hear you complain about something you ruined.” Error snarled in anger.
“Awe! Is little ol’ Error upset? Well, Error, no. I should say-“ 
“JUST SHUT UP!” Error yelled, his head shooting up off the desk as he stood. Nightmare flinched as strings quickly wrapped around his neck.
“Oh? But R-“ Error slammed his hands down on the desk, his strings going everywhere. He was fuming with anger as he stared directly at Nightmare. He was so close to crashing but he fought it.
“Don’t call me that. That isn’t my name and even if it was, you lost the right,” he tightened the strings around Nightmares neck for a second, watching as the negative monster clawed at the strings wrapped around his neck. Error laughed and undid the strings. Nightmare fell over. He noticed, as Error went to storm out, that the destroyer was losing control.
“You can blame yourself for that change. Your actions.” With that Error disappeared and Nightmare held his arms to his chest. That wasn’t good. Error was losing control without the memories of how he would regain it. Error would either crash soon or he could destroy the multiverse. The first option was much more practical.
“How is that my fault, Error? You changed that long ago. I did nothing to change it,” Nightmare mumbled, knowing full well the room was empty and there was no one to hear him.

Error let out a cry of pain as he fell over. What was with him and barely making it to the antivoid? Not only was Error now facing an oncoming crash but he had lost control of his magic and that was a painful thing all on its own. 
Error was yanking at the strings flowing out of his sockets, pain filling his senses as he fought back a crash. His head hurt, stabbing pain throbbing against his skull at an almost unimaginably fast and painful rate.
“Error?” He didn’t think the voice he heard was real at first, not until they spoke again, kneeling in front of him.
“Oh, Error… are you okay? Wait- what am I saying? Of course you’re not okay,” they whispered. Error let out a small groan of pain before letting out a muffled cry.
“Don’t worry Error. You’ll be okay,” Error felt arms wrap around him, pulling his body close to theirs as he shook. Not only was this very confusing for Error but this person wasn’t triggering his haphephobia. Despite his mottled mental state, Error was almost positive that there was only one person in his life that didn’t trigger it.
“Squid?” He whimpered through his pain, his voice barely audible. Suddenly there was a sharp gasp and another spike of pain before his entire world went black.

“Hey R-“ a hand touched his cheek and he smiled sadly at them as they fought back tears.
“Hey, I’m okay. I’m okay.” He whispered and the owner of the hand shook for a moment.
“I’m so sorry. I forgot about your haphephobia and-“
“That’s not what triggered it silly. I was already crashing. You didn’t hurt me. I'm okay.” He sat up and the hand left his cheek for a moment before they hugged him tightly.
“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” They whispered.
“Awe, don’t be. It’s okay.” He smiled one final time before they hiccuped and nodded.

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