3; Remember

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(Hey guys! So with the ReWrite happening, I thought it would be funny and/or cool to tell you guys some secrets/fun facts about this series every chapter from here on out.
Fact #1.
From chapter five on, I had planned on making a spin off. It would be if Error ended up with Nightmare and I was gonna call it 'The Way the Cookie Crumbles' and it was gonna split after the white paint event [for all those old fans, you understand] but I never ended up writing despite the fact I still planned it out.
Would any of you actually want to see this spin-off?)

When Error collapsed, he knew something was up, even before the memories started. He had just made it through the portal when the first one rolled around. His knees had given out from underneath them and his soul began to burn.

"Hello!" All the faces were blurry but he was able to guess that the golden figure was Dream.
"Hello," he heard himself say although his voice was much softer in this memory.
"I'm Dream! This is my brother," he guessed it right. The golden figure was Dream. That meant the dark figure, what looked like black and purple, was Nightmare although he seemed rather passive.
"Hey... I'm Nightmare." The skeleton waved.

"Night! What is this!?" He turned around in circles as he spotted a bunch of blurry figures he barely distinguished. Blue was there. So was Dream, Classic, Bird, Outer, and a couple of others. The memories were hard to focus on so he was proud of what he picked up.
"Well, you don't really have a birthday so... happy 'appeared' day! Dream remembered you talking about it and figured that today was around that time." Nightmare grinned.
"Oh- thanks, guys!" Even in watching the memory, he smiled.

"Hey R--" Error heard the name that time but didn't actually believe it was him they were refusing to until the memory version of him turned around. It was Nightmare again.
"Can it! You betrayed me!" He shouted although Error didn't know why he was made.
"No. What you did is horrible. Not only to me but to him. Why would you ever do that?" He stormed.

"Error." Nightmare flinched under his glare. That wasn't the same name as before but Error knew why. Those memories had rushed by without any actual flashes. The reason behind that name being gone was once again Nightmare's fault. It was Nightmares fault they were here and despite Error being part of the reason it went down, Nightmare was still the root of the problem. No matter what anyone tried to say, both knew it was Nightmare's fault.
"What do you want?" Error grumbled as they both sat in the empty whiteness. Nightmare frowned and watched as Error snuggled into the jacket he wore, hugging his arms.
"You know you won't remember anything. Not for a long time." Nightmare whispered.
"Oh, yea? What do you want me to do about it? You'll always remember. Are you gonna try and be my 'buddy' again?" Error grumbled.
"Well yes, that's a given. We both know how I still feel about you-"
"Which is what got us into this mess." Error.
"Either way. You won't trust that jacket if you forget about it and you won't ever forgive me if you lose it. I'll give it back to you once you ask for it." Nightmare said and Errors sockets widened in fear.
"N-no! I can't! I can't give up the jacket and the puppet!" Error hiccuped, tears forming immediately.
"I never mentioned the puppet. You can keep the puppet since you already have so many more. I just can't allow you to lose that jacket. It might be the only way for you to trust me once you remember." Nightmare whispered. Error slowly pulled the jacket off his back, hiccuping as he did before catching his breath, he fists balling.
"After you betrayed my trust, what you did, I don't think I'll ever fully trust you again but okay... just keep it safe." Error whispered.
"I will. Trust me, with my twin in my head, I don't think I'll ever forget." Nightmare smiled. Error nodded before finally giving it to Nightmare.
"And when you get this memory back, come here. Tell me you remember. You'll probably wake up with a headache from all of the memories but it shouldn't be everything." Nightmare stood up and disappeared.

Error woke up on the floor. His head was killing him and his sockets wouldn't open. He didn't remember half of what he had forgotten but now he knew that he had forgotten stuff. That name. He recognized all the names from that time despite the fact they weren't spoken out loud. He still heard them and knew them.
"Oh-" he finally opened an eye socket before whimpering. The blinding white of the antivoid made his headache more. He balled his fists and slowly put his hands in the 'ground'. He began to push up, groaning as he sat up.
"Ow ow ow!" He hissed as he finally sat up.
"Nightmare? I should go tell him I'm starting to remember. I might not like talking to him, or apparently him at all after what he did, but I need to speak to him." He hissed again, the headache only getting worse as he stood and opened a portal. He sloppily stumbled through the portal before nearly collapsing on the ground too.
"Shit. Why did I open a portal so far from his door?" He stood up again. He was only a mere ten feet from the front door, the closest he could portal in with the magic barrier preventing teleportation in.
He finally reached the door and knocked on it. He waited for a moment, hearing chatter from inside.
"Error?" Cross asked, rather confused as to why the destroyer was standing in front of him. The way Error was teetering made Cross think the other was drunk at first.
"Nightmare. I need to speak with Nightmare. It's urgent." Error hissed.
"O-okay?" Cross turned back and yelled for his boss, ignoring the way Error flinched at the loud calls.
"R-Error?" Nightmare asked and Error looked up at him.
"I remember."

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