35 | battle of the expo

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"WHAT the hell is going on?" Pepper yelled as she called Lyra

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"WHAT the hell is going on?" Pepper yelled as she called Lyra. Lyra watched as her face popped up on the suit.

"How the hell does Tony do this?" Lyra asked before clearing her throat while still on the stage. "EVERYBODY OUT OF HERE!" she yelled, which caused immediate panic. She raised her blasters and shot two in the air. "CALMLY!"

"Good job," Natasha said sarcastically, stealing the phone from Pepper. "What's going on?"

"Hammer was working with Vanko. Bad guy from Europe. We need to find him," Lyra said, beginning to fly. "Jarvis, scan."

"Mr. Hammer is in the west wing," Jarvis replied.

"Got it?" she asked Natasha.

"Meet you there. Make sure those drones don't go off!" Natasha said.

Lyra turned with a smirk at the remaining drones. "Well, let's have a blast, eh?" She said before shook rays of light at two of them causing them to blow up as the others that were left began to shoot. "Shit!"

"Lyra?" Tony asked.

"Fine!" she squeaked. "You?"

"Fine!" he yelled back as something clashed on his end. "Yup! Rhodey is trying to kill me, but fine!"

Lyra dodged a few blasts from the drones as she ran toward the east wing. "Sounds good!"

As Lyra fly through the east wing, she found Pepper and Natasha walking to Hammer.

"Who's locked you out of the mainframe?" Pepper called angrily.

Hammer turned to face the three females. "Please, please, go away. Go away. I've got this handled. I don't need help, least of all Lyra Redfield's! I've got this handled!"

Lyra raised a palm and watched it light up. "Have you now?"

"Yes, I do. In fact, if you guys hadn't showed up, this wouldn't be happening. So, please, now go away. Thank you." He looked at the technician on the computer. "Listen, we got to get these bitches out of here. What?"

Natasha grabbed Justin Hammer and held him down on the desk as Lyra brought the blaster really close to his face. "You tell me who's behind this. Who's behind this?"

"Ivan. Ivan Vanko."

Natasha looked at Lyra for confirmation. Lyra triggered her helmet to come off. "That's the guy from Europe."

"Where is he?" Natasha yelled.

"At my facility!" Hammer yelled with a cry. Natasha let him go and turns to Lyra.

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