Chapter 17

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Hami's POV
Paris was gone. Great. She's probably gonna be killed now, just like the rest of them. After that we tried going out side, calling her name, and Josie just left to try and find her. But as for the rest of us, nothing.

Josie's POV
I understand what Paris meant by,

"The trees all look the same."

Hopefully, if I think like her, I'll find her.
Paris would probably climb a tree if she was in danger, and hide. I start looking up in all the trees. The sun begins to set, and I'm completely lost. I pull out my phone, and dial Jordan.

"(***-***-****) is not available. At the tone please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up, or press one for more options. BEEP."

"Jordan, I'm lost. It's getting dark. Plz help!" I practically scream in the phone. I don't like being outside when it's dark. I start to hear things and see people. Oh yea, I see dead people. Maybe Nash does too. I mean, he did see a blond. And Landry's dead.

Jordan's POV
"She might'a let Ya hold her hand at school, but Ima show you how to Graduate!" Ariana Grande screamed through the speaker.

We were partying, hoping Paris would come back. Our Music stopped and we all looked around. We then realized it was only Colby. He was worried sick about her. I heard a scream.

"What was that?" I said, running to the door. I open it and hear leaves rustling was it our killer? I quickly shut the door.

"Someone is out there." It's really dark now, and Josie isn't back. Maybe it was just her.
At least I hope it was her.

Josie's POV
I'm running. Running as fast as my legs can carry me. Rustling leaves, and almost running into things. The House is finally in sight. Good. I run to the door, and knock as fast as I can.

"Guys! Guys it's me! Open up! Hurry!" I yell as I beat on the door.

A cold hand touches my neck, and soon I'm being dragged back. With a knife held to my neck.

Jordan's POV
I open the door quickly, but to late. A figure in a black hoodie, and mask, is holding Josie with a knife to her neck.

"Josie!" I scream, knowing I can't help her.

Then I notice something. After Bianca died, Paris and Keyana showed us the knife. The knife. It was the same one Bianca was killed with. Except she was hung as well. If Josie dies, will we find HER in a tree tomorrow?

Josie's POV
I could feel the knife getting closer, and my ability to breath shortening. I knew this was the end. I started thinking my last thoughts.


"Come on Jessalynn!" I yell, encouraging my little sister.

"I got it Josie!" She yelled. I was so proud of her for learning how to ride her bike.

I begin clapping and smiling.

She hugged me and said,

"I love you, Josie!"

^flashback/thought over^

That. That stuck in my head forever. That was the last thing I'll ever here her say. I won't see her grow up, I won't See her Prom Dress, I won't see her kids. That's it. I feel an excruciating pain in my neck, then I'm let go. I'm kicked to the ground, and feel a terrible pain in my leg. A bullet. I look over, and see Jordan on the ground. Crying. My vision goes blurry and I see a white light.

"Goodbye world." I whisper to myself.


I haven't updated in a while, Sry! But here you go! Bi unicorns💕

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