Chapter 40

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Paris's POV:
A little while later I was on my bed in the Zebra room alone, when Ally walked in and closed the door quickly.

"I saw that text you got. I got the same one. And from the same person." she whispered, showing me her phone.

"What are you going to say?"

"No. Of course."

"Yeah me too." I grabbed her arm and whispered even quieter but my words were sharper than a knife, "Ally, I'm scared. They're coming for us."

Allison's POV:
At that moment, I knew I had to tell Paris about my encounter with Caleb in the woods. The words flowed out of me like a river.

"And then I lied to everyone, saying I found some bike." I finished.

"Oh my God, Ally. He said that you're next on the-"

"Kill list." I interrupted, "You can't tell anyone!"

"Shouldn't we tell them to say goodbye to you?"

"It's hard enough knowing I'm going to die, I don't want everyone knowing. I had to tell someone, Paris. But I don't want everyone knowing. Especially not Luke because..." I trailed off remembering he had something he wanted to tell me before we had to rush to the living room.

"What?" Paris asked.

"I- I have to go." I rushed out of the room but Paris stopped me.

"Ally, your secret is safe with me." she smiled and I smiled back. I closed the door and ran to find Luke.

Sam's POV:
I just saw Luke and Ally come back to the lake house.

That made me think of my girlfriend, Ella. I realized I hadn't texted her in a few hours. I looked at that empty area that says IMessage. I didn't know what to say. Then, I knew. I had to tell her about that text I got from Caleb.

Hey I need to tell you something...

I went on and on, not missing a detail. When I finished I let out a sigh of relief. I hit send.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a phone. I picked it up. The lock screen was Broadway so I knew it was Ally's. She's into acting or whatever.

She didn't have a passcode. What is wrong with her?

I felt like a total creep but I went to the room where I had been sleeping to find no one there. Perfect.

One of her recent texts caught my eye. It was from Caleb. I had gotten the same one. I scrolled up and saw something strange. Ally's bike story was a lie! I should've seen that coming but I didn't. Caleb had dropped her off. But he had mentioned it in a weird way.

Wait! Is Ally cheating on Luke? I have got to warn him!

I went into the living room. Where was everyone? Then, I remembered them talking about going to the lake. Right as I walked out of the room I saw Ally sneaking out with a bag. I decided to follow her but I stayed away so she wouldn't see me.

I followed her through the woods. The sun was starting to set and I was wondering if she was trying to run away. Then something or perhaps someone stopped her. She looked around. Does she know I'm following her? Then I saw him and ran back towards the lake house.

Once I got back I told Luke about Ally's texts. He seemed hurt.

Then someone came out of the lake house and my heart was filled with joy.

"Ella!" Ella was here. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Allison's POV:
"Why did you tell me to come here? You said something about when you dropped me off, what?" I said impatiently.

"Let's just say I'm not who you think I am." Then, I noticed. It wasn't him at all.

"Oh my gosh! What? Then who?"

"Allison, I'll explain everything. Just give me the chance."

"Fine. But hurry." I said.

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