Our Normal Spring

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[this story is about Adachi and Shimamura, from Adachi to Shimamura. art by Gurifu]

Tears stung her eyes, how stupid could she be? It was late, she made a mistake, but why didn't she regret it. Adachi regretted how clingy she was, it was one of the reasons she had no friends next to Shimamura, but here she was messing up her only friend. she let out a panicked sigh, her breathing was heavy and shaky, the tears just kept pouring out as every feeling she held in was coming to the surface. her ears rung with rejection, why would she ever confess, let alone this soon, her throat was dry from all her built-up confidence as it slowly turned to anxiety.

 despite her sadness, she never wanted to worry anyone. she still cared, she just couldn't try... she got up, despite the tears and heartbreak, she got up and smiled, she was proud she tried. her heart ached and her head was throbbing. it was like a storm cloud started pouring on her hard word, she didn't mean to, no but she was worrying everyone. even her mother was concerned, Hino and Nagafuji heard about it from Shimamura were starting to worry. how hard Adachi tried, she knew though, Shimamura will never love her more than a friend.  It pulled at her heart, and let herself go. she stopped eating, drinking, hanging out and even going to school. for some reason the days' blend, her life turned monochrome. 

It's been weeks, every day is the same. she has finally started opening up again, her guard was still raised and well, she wouldn't get close to someone again, not like she could. she had nobody other than Shimamura, and now she's also gone. Adachi let out a sigh, her chest rising slowly. she looked ahead, today was going to be a new day. a new day where hopefully, just maybe, Adachi can hear the wind rustle through her hair, Just maybe she can see each of the flower petals, it's spring. it smelt clean, it smelt free, she could only envy this smell. she felt lighter on this type of day, she felt happier. she remembers riding her bike with Shimamura, her heart aches at thinking about her, it hasn't been that long since the winter, since she confessed and since they last talked. this year she wanted to be better, maybe she'll put herself out again, make honours. she should stop skipping, she needs to avoid Shimamura, her heart still beats faster for her... pushing aside those thoughts, she walks into the school and walked confidently- or as confidently as she could still having horrible social anxiety. 

school went by fast, brighter than normal, she saw Hino and Shimamura, they didn't chase, she didn't want them to. she went to the park, remember all the times she and Shimamura spent here. she missed it, she missed her. she should've let them chased, call out to her, anything... she missed having Shimamura's attention, she missed being desired. she needed to apologize, it will eat at her if she doesn't. quickly making up her mind, she runs to her house, which was kinda a shock to her mother, who was used to seeing Adachi depressed, she could admit she was happiest when even just friends with Shimamura. she ran to the room on the left, her room, she grabbed the map of her house to Shimamura's and ran back out to grab her stupid bike. she missed this, she missed this burning feeling this loving warmth, the feeling of comfort Shimamura had around her- Adachi needed it, she missed the affection, the clinginess, she missed everything about her. she felt the blush in her cheeks darken, her heartbeat pick up, her hair in the wind. she missed these- these wonderful emotions and senses. she felt free, like the petals of each flower floating in the air. 

she arrived an obvious mess, her hair was all over the place, her heart was rushing and her soft pale skin now tinted a deep red from blushing... she let out a squeak realizing she did this all last second. her heartbeat raced as she heard footsteps and Shimamura's voice from inside, her ears automatically tuning in to whatever she has to say, she ducked into a bush, the warmth of the leaves played and teased her, until she heard her own name.. 

"I'm getting pretty worried about Adachi," it was assumingly Shimamura, Adachi knew that voice by heart, her pretty tones and awkward noises blessed Adachi so much. shaking her head and away from the noise, it made her blush, it made her weak... she went back to dialling in, "I haven't seen her as much.. I miss her, do you think it's my fault, Hino?" Shimamura sounded so fragile, so scared. it hurt Adachi to hear, it made her ears ring with guilt and anger... she got up to tidy herself, she needed to make it right.. she thought and remembered Shimamura likes tea and chocolate. she jogged to the closest store, she was never good at actives, but she was tall and fast, so she jogged- they may not have fancy tea, but they most hopefully had milk chocolate. which they did, she settled for one she ate near Valentine's day last year with Shimamura, it was to make her homemade chocolates, it was adorable if only she wasn't so eager, so pushy and messy. 

grabbing the chocolate and cleaning up didn't take as long as she thought, in fact rather quick. she grabbed a beautiful red Tsubaki, the flower for love. she needed to at least apologize with grace. she hurried back, and listened for a few seconds, picking up sniffles and apologizes, which made her guilt worse. Adachi knocked and heard Shimamura shift. anxiety was filling her up, but she wanted to play it cool, shaking off the overwhelming embarrassment, she stuttered out, "Uhm,  h-hi!! are you available?" she hoped that was loud enough, she got quiet, until Shimamura opened the door and responded with, "Adachi?? I'm sorry..." she was avoiding eye contact which made Adachi giggle and hand her the gifts with an embarrassing blush on her pastel white skin. 

talking it out was easy, despite both being pretty stupid at times- they were able to laugh, Adachi missed her warmth- and honestly, Shimamura missed Adachi in general, she missed her clingy personality- her silly blushing face and her clear skin, she was embarrassed but happy, and joyful to have her in her arms and lap. they smiled brightly, this was a normal spring, this was their normal spring. 

|| i would appreciate it if you commented on something you wanted me to write, I enjoy it, but thank you for reading!! this is one of my favourite animes, I never see fanfics with them though so here it is!! ily reader, thank you! and uh- I promise ill update more!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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