Chapter 9

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Percy POV: After breakfast, Potions class.

Today we had Potions with the Slytherins. I had the same schedule as the golden trio so I followed them to class. 

"I hate potions," Ron grumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"The potions professor hates us." I shrugged and walked into the class. Surprisingly, the teacher was late. I started fiddling with my pen and didn't bother looking up when the teacher walked in and started calling out attendance. His voice was kind of familiar but I shrugged it off. 

"Jackson," He hesitated. "Percy" Suddenly I knew wy his voice was familiar. My head snapped up. I grinned and ran towards him.

"SEVVYYYYYY!" I tackled him with a hug. He patted my back and I could tell he was holding back a smile. The class looked shocked, they also looked like they were waiting for Sev to murder me. He looked at me and said,

"Don't call me that in front of my class Percy."

"Suree Sevy"


I huffed and walked back to my seat.

The entire class looked at me as if I had grown another head. I sat down next to Hermione who was looking in between me and Sev. 

"How are you not dead." She hissed. 

"I'm special that way," I replied smirking. "plus he knows not to mess with me." 

--------Time skip to after dinner brought to you by Monocle Motors-------

I walked down to the lake and dove in. I had a nice talk with Jeff, the giant squid. Then I created an air bubble and IM'ed Annabeth.


"Seaweed Brain!."

"You'll never guess which three missing demigods are and Pigzits!"

"Who-" her jaw dropped. "You mean Sev, Drake, and Luna??" 

"Yup" All three of them had gone on a mini-quest shortly after the titan war ended. Chiron said they had been "Missing in Action". Apparently, they got news of the Giant war while at Hogwarts. I told Annabeth all about Hogwarts. from the architecture to the classes. Everything. Eventually, I went back to the castle. And hopped in bed. But first, I placed a silencing charm around my bed just in case. Then I slipped into a rather peaceful dream.

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