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I am going to be working on this story again! I updated the allegiances so now it includes all 5 clans. I tried to make it as accurate timespan-wise as possible! Have fun trying to link everything lol. Keep a lookout! Anyways, take some random familial facts while you're here!:

• Alderpaw and Yarrowpaw are siblings, and their parents are Quailwhisper and Birchthroat.
• Speckleflake and Falcontree are siblings.
• Whiskerstar and Speckleflake are mates. Their kits are Ebonyfeather and Bouncewind. Specklewhisker is Bouncewind's kit and is named after her grandmother. Robinfeather is his other kit.
• Plumflight and Spidersong are sisters. Hollynose is secretly their father. He is also Sleekclaw's father, but the two litters have different mothers who were both kittypets.
• Rustycreek and Yellowsky are brothers.

• Firestar and Goldenfire are siblings.
• Firestar and Nightmoon are mates. Dustscar and Blossomheart are their kits.
• Rustpaw and Marigoldpaw are siblings. They along with Nightscar and Froststrike are Dustscar and Frostsight's kits.
• Nutwillow and Hollowwish are brothers.
• Milkwind is Frostsight and Snowhare's father.
• Puddlepaw is secretly the kit of Tinystorm and Goldenfire.

• Squirrelstar and Fernwhisper are brothers. They are descendants of Peachbloom.
• Fallenpaw, Cedarpaw, Thriftpaw, and Pearpaw are siblings. Their parents are Thrushsong and Willowcloud.
• Addernose and Dovefang are Willowcloud's parents. Copperfur and Ratbriar are her brothers.
• Iciclecrash and Whitesnow are siblings.
• Mouseshadow and Warblerwing are brothers.

• Dapplestar and Spotpounce are mates. Mossystone and Dapplepaw are their kits.
• Birdflight, Tansyfern, and Lightpaw are siblings. Their parents are Weaselgaze and Creekbee.
• Darkfrost and Smokeberry are siblings.
• Hazelspirit's parents are Mousetooth and Moonstream.
• Foxspots is Dapplestar's mother.
• Creekbee and Splashdawn are siblings.
• Moonstream and Daisyjay are siblings.
• Larkheart and Weaselgaze are siblings.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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