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LEADER Cherrystar— Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes

DEPUTY Cedarbranch— Dark brown tom

MEDICINE CAT  Embercloud— Old dark gray tom
Silvertuft— Silver she-cat with blue eyes

WARRIORS Toadpool— Dark gray tabby tom
Stormsky— Dark blueish gray she-cat
Dawnbird— Pale brown she-cat
APPRENTICE, Juniperpaw (Ginger she-cat)
Crowflight— Black she-cat
Gorsefall— Brown tom
APPRENTICE, Leafpaw (Dark brown she-cat)
Bramblefur— Dark brown tabby tom
Mousetail— Gray tom
Bluepelt— Blueish gray she-cat
Boulderdust— Dark gray tom
Lizardtail— Gray-and-white tom
Jaggedfoot— Black-and-white tom with an injured foot

QUEENS Silentstream— Dark gray she-cat; stepped down for her warrior duties to care for Lightfur and Shadeclaw's kit: Nightkit (black she-kit)

ELDERS Flintflower— Dark gray-and-white she-cat


LEADER  Whiskerstar— Old white tom with yellow eyes

DEPUTY   Plumflight— Dark gray tabby she-cat

MEDICINE CAT Hollynose— Dark gray spotted tabby tom
APPRENTICE, Yarrowpaw (brown she-cat)

WARRIORS   Speckleflake— Old speckled ginger tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, Alderpaw (brown tabby she-cat)
Falcontree— Old ginger tom
Kestrelbelly— Brown-and-white tom
Silverstreak— Pale gray-and-white tom
Rustycreek— Yellow tabby tom
Yellowsky— Yellow-and-white tom
Larkpad— Gray-and-white she-cat
Tawnyfoot— Tortoiseshell she-cat
Ebonyfeather— Cream she-cat
Bouncewind— Pale ginger tom
Spidersong— Dark gray she-cat
Quailwhisper— Pale gray she-cat
Ferretfur— Pale brown tom
Birchthroat— Brown tabby tom
Sleekclaw— Dark gray tom
Specklewhisker— Spotted ginger she-cat
Robinfeather— Dark ginger she-cat




LEADER  Firestar— Ginger she-cat

DEPUTY  Frostsight— White tom
APPRENTICE, Puddlepaw (gray tabby she-cat)

MEDICINE CAT  Goldenfire— Ginger tabby tom

WARRIORS  Snowhare— White she-cat
Featherstrike— Pale gray she-cat
Frogpelt— Gray-and-white tom
Nightmoon— Black tom
Heavyspring— White tom
APPRENTICE, Marigoldpaw (ginger she-cat)
Silentbriar— Black-and-white tom
Nutwillow— Pale brown tom
Hollowwish— Dusty brown tom
APPRENTICE, Rustpaw (ginger tom)
Dustscar— Ginger-and-black she-cat
Blossomheart— Reddish tom
Muddyice— Brown-and-white tom
Tinystorm— Gray she-cat
Nightscar— Black tom
Froststrike— White tom

QUEENS  Sedgeheather— Pale brown she-cat. Mother to Frogpelt's kits: Softkit (brown and white tom-kit) and Tulipkit (pale gray she-kit)

ELDERS  Milkwind— White tom


LEADER   Dapplestar— White tom with ginger spots

DEPUTY  Mousetooth— Brown tom

MEDICINE CAT  Larkheart— Reddish tom
APPRENTICE, Lightpaw (cream she-cat)

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