i love you

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"Come on Kat, you're going to be late!" You yell from the kitchen, Katya's phone in one hand and keys in the other.

Today she starts filming a new series with Trixie Mattel, her coworker and best friend. You and Katya have been together for about 6 months now, and things have been great. Especially with this new show deal, she's been extra happy, very stressed, but happy. She's even been staying at your apartment more, and a pile of clothes of hers has built up in your closet. It's nice having her around.

"Coming!" A response comes from the bathroom. There's rustling as she fixes her makeup in her bag.

You hear her bare feet hit the hardwood as she rushes to find her shoes, this sound also makes you smile. There's more rustling in your bedroom, and then the sound of heels.

She walks out into the main hallway and your jaw drops at the sight. She has on a black and red patterned dress, red boot heels, and her hair is in a messy bun.

"You like?" She says, doing a spin to show all sides of the outfit with a big smile.

"I love it. You're stunning." You respond softly, walking towards her and giving her a tight hug. She squeezes you back and gives places a kiss on your forehead, making you blush.

"Do have everything?" You say abruptly, looking around to see if anything is out of place.

"Yes, you're right here." Warm hands are places on your cheeks as she looks into your eyes with a bright smile. You can't help but look and smile back. She place a finger under your jaw and lifts your head back up to kiss you on the lips, leaving a light hint of red lipstick on your mouth.

"Now get out of here, I already called you an Uber." You release from the embrace and hand her the phone and keys. "I'll see you later, gorgeous." She turns to the door, and you slap her ass.

She chuckles and looks back to you before opening the door, "I love you."

That's the first time she's said it.

You've shown that you love each other, but never actually said it in so many words. Katya always remembers your favorite things, even if it's little. She always shows up for you, even when it's inconvenient for her. And most of all, she always knows how to cheer you up. She's perfect and you know this.

She looks back at you with a small smile, waiting for the response. The way she looks at you, she's honest.

"I love you, too."

She pulls you in by the waist for a quick peck on the lips, smiling into the kiss, then heads out the door, locking it behind her.

Your heart has officially melted.

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