The Long Lost Bestfriend

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After Jake had reveal his feelings, he was gone for a couple of months, Gerald had tried to contacted with him but no one is answering his phone.

He even send him messages but no response at all. He was so sad for the following consecutive months. He was wondering why Had Jake hiding from him. Every now and then he keeps on visiting the house of Jake's friend but they don't know Jake's whereabout.

Due to being sadness, he forced himself to drunk liquor just to forget his bestfriend but it always comes back towards hia mind.

8 months have passed by and he heard from his neighborhood that Jake has just arrived at their home. He quickly visited Jake's house and there, they have seen each other.

"Jake, where have you been, I've been looking at you a couple of months ago but I haven't seen you yet, why did you leave me, is there something wrong I've done with you? Pls tell me.... Or the reason why you haven't showed yourself for a couple of months is due to your admiting your feelings towards me? Am I right?",as asked him with angry emotions.

" Yeah..... You are absolutely just afraid that you will get mad at me after I have admitted my feelings that I've confessed with you... So what would be your reaction now Gabriel... Do you feel being loathe with me... ? ", as he said in a low tone.

" No Jake.... you are absolutely wrong the way you judge on my reaction.... Because as a matter of fact,the feelings of being abhor with you did not existed in my heart and mind,, because I accepted you for who you are, I don't care what people say about the two of us in different world, whats  important to me is that you and I will always be together", as he answered from the bottom of his heart.

"Gabriel! What do you're also falling in love with me?", as he wondering asked.

"Yeah...... You are right... I am falling in love with you too", as he answered honestly.

The two have embraced each other after they have exchange their personal revelations.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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